About LabArchives at IU

On this page:


LabArchives is a secure, cloud-based electronic lab notebook (ELN) built for researchers to use in the conduct of research. This digital notebook enables researchers to capture, organize, store, and share data. LabArchives is appropriate for use with research data and associated records of all Classification levels of institutional data.


LabArchives is free to students, faculty, and staff affiliated with the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM), and to those on the IU Bloomington campus.

Get started with LabArchives

To get started with LabArchives:

  1. Navigate to LabArchives Partner Site Login.
  2. From the "Select Institution:" drop-down menu, choose Indiana University (if it isn't already selected).
  3. Click Go to your Institution's Login.
  4. When prompted, enter your IU username and passphrase.

To learn more about setting up and organizing your notebooks, you can attend a training session or refer to the support resources below.

Get help

If you have questions about LabArchives features or functionality, send mail to support@labarchives.com.

For questions about accessing and getting started with LabArchives, or to request a consultation:

Learn more

The IUSM is committed to providing ELN access to researchers. Access to LabArchives is currently funded by IUSM Research Affairs. In the future, if there is a need to change platforms and move to another ELN system, current users will be contacted and guided through the migration process.

The IUSM does not currently support free access to another ELN. If you are using or would like to use another ELN system, see Sharing institutional data with third parties for guidance on how to approve that system for use at IU.

To learn more, see:

This is document azyf in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-11-21 14:54:48.