Add or delete users in Microsoft SharePoint Online

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Before you begin

You must be a site owner or a site collection administrator to add or delete users.

Add users

Classic themes

The best practice for adding users to a SharePoint site is generally to first create a group with appropriate permissions, and then add users to the group. See Create a New Group. Note that you cannot currently add AD Groups to SharePoint Online.

If you have an existing group configured, to add users to it:

  1. In your site, select Settings, and then select Site settings.
  2. Under "Users and Permissions", select People and groups.
  3. On the left, select the group to which you'd like to add the users.
  4. Select the drop-down arrow next to New, and then choose Add Users.
  5. In the box "Enter names, email addresses or 'Everyone'", type the name, username, or email address of the user. Select the user from the search box that appears.
  6. Include a personal message if desired, and select Show Options to choose whether to send an email invitation.
  7. When you're finished, select Share.

Modern themes

  1. In your site, select Site access.
  2. In the box, type the name, username, or email address of the user and select them from the search box that appears.
  3. Choose the permissions for the new member. The default is Read, which adds the new user to the "Site visitors" group. Select Edit to add to "Site members", or Full control to add to "Site owners".
  4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more members.
  5. Include a personal message if desired, or uncheck Send email to not send an email to each added member.
  6. When you're finished, select Save.

Team-associated sites

  1. In your site, select X members, where X is the number of people in the site.
  2. Select Add members.
  3. In the add members box, type the name, username, or email address of the user. Select them from the search box that appears.
  4. Choose the permissions for the new member. The default is Member, but you can change it to Owner.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more members.
  6. When you're finished, select Save.

Add owners

Classic themes

If you have an existing group configured:

  1. In your site, select Settings, and then select Site settings.
  2. Under "Users and Permissions", select People and groups.
  3. On the left, select the owner group (for example, <site name> Owners).
  4. Select the drop-down arrow next to "New", and then select Add Users.
  5. In the box "Enter names, email addresses or 'Everyone'", type the name, username, or email address of the user and select them from the search box that appears.
  6. Include a personal message if desired, and select Show Options to choose whether to send an email invitation.
  7. When you're finished, select Share.

If you don't have an existing group configured:

  1. In your site, select Settings, and then select Site settings.
  2. Under "Users and Permissions", select Site permissions.
  3. In the box "Enter names or email addresses…", type the name, username, or email address of the user and select them from the search box that appears.
  4. Include a personal message if desired.
  5. Select Show Options.
  6. Under "Select a permission level", choose Owners [Full Control].
  7. Choose whether to send an email invitation.
  8. When you're finished, select Share.

Modern themes

  1. In your site, select Site access.
  2. In the box, type the name, username, or email address of the user and select them from the search box that appears.
  3. Change the permissions for the new owner to Full control.
  4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more owners.
  5. Include a personal message if desired, or uncheck Send email to not send an email to each added member.
  6. When you're finished, select Save.

Team-associated sites

It's best to add or remove owners through the Teams interface to ensure that they have the correct permissions everywhere. If that isn't an option:

  1. In your site, select X members, where X is the number of people in the site.
  2. Select Add members.
  3. In the add members box, type the name, username, or email address of the user and select them from the search box that appears.
  4. Change the permissions for the new member to Owner.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more owners.
  6. When you're finished, select Save.

Delete users

To delete users from a SharePoint site:

  1. In your site, select Site Contents, and then select Settings.
  2. Under "Users and Permissions", select People and groups.
  3. On the left, select the group from which you'd like to remove the users.
  4. Use the checkboxes to select the users you want to delete.
  5. Select Actions, and then select Remove Users from Group.
  6. Select OK to confirm the deletion.

This is document azzn in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-10 09:35:47.