ARCHIVED: About mixed content and how to view it

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On this page:

About mixed content

When you visit a secure web page (that is, using HTTPS), your connection is encrypted with SSL. If the HTTPS page also includes content retrieved through a regular HTTP connection, the connection is only partially encrypted. This is called a web page with mixed content.

Viewing blocked mixed content

By default, mixed content is blocked in Mozilla Firefox (version 23+) and Google Chrome (version 21+). When mixed content is blocked, you may see a blank page or a message saying that "Only secure content is displayed". To enable a browser to view blocked mixed content, follow the relevant instructions below.


To view mixed content in Edge:

  1. On the left side of the address bar, select the lock icon, and then choose Site Permissions.
  2. Scroll down to the entry for "Insecure content", and use the drop-down menu on the right to select Allow.

Mozilla Firefox

To view mixed content in Firefox:

  1. At the top of the page, to the left of the address bar, select the shield icon (Image of Firefox shield icon).
  2. In the pop-up window that appears, select the down arrow next to "Options", and then choose Disable protection for now.
  3. The page will refresh and display any mixed content. The shield icon will be replaced with a warning symbol to indicate that the page is displaying both secure and non-secure items.

Google Chrome

To view mixed content in Chrome:

  1. Select the shield icon on the right side of the address bar (Image of Chrome shield icon).
  2. In the icon dialog box, select Load unsafe scripts.
  3. The page will refresh and display any mixed content. The URL in the address bar will show https crossed out to indicate that the page is displaying both secure and non-secure items.

IU systems and mixed content

Some Indiana University systems may serve mixed content, which will need to be unblocked in the browser for full functionality.


Some Canvas courses may serve mixed content. When this is the case, students will need to set their browsers to view mixed content as described above. For additional information and resources for instructors, see External or "insecure" content: Strategies for helping students cope.

This is document bdny in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-03-22 09:15:11.