ARCHIVED: Why is my SafeWord card not working?

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Note: In June, 2011, UITS will be moving from SafeWord card authentication to OTP (One Time Password) tokens. For more information, see ARCHIVED: About the SafeWord/OTP migration at IU.

If your SafeWord card displays strange characters or none at all, it typically means that the card's batteries have died or the card is malfunctioning in some manner. Under either circumstance, you will have to replace your SafeWord card. Following are some common problems:

  • When you press the ON button, no display shows. This usually indicates a dead battery.
  • When you press the ON button, display shows all zeros ("00000000"). This usually indicates that the programming has been lost.
  • When you press the ON button, display shows "E". This indicates a programming error.
  • The card acts normally, but doesn't authorize (on the challenge, or on the response for the newer cards that use no challenge). This sometimes indicates a bad PIN; check to make sure you are entering everything correctly. For assistance, call IUPUI Accounts Administration and ask staff there to log in using what you give them as the challenge response.

To obtain a new card, see your department's SafeWord Card Coordinator, or contact your campus Support Center.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 09:31:29.