Restrict TA grading by section in Canvas

On this page:


In Canvas, you can assign teaching assistants (TAs) to specific sections in a course and limit their access to those sections only. When you restrict TAs to their assigned section(s) only, they will not be able to see or grade students in other sections of your course.

Add a new TA to a course with multiple sections

To add a TA to a course with multiple sections:

  1. Navigate to your course site in Canvas.
  2. In the course navigation menu, select People.
  3. On the "People" page, select + People.
  4. Select the Login ID radio button.
  5. In the text box, add the TA's IU username (not email address).
  6. From the Role drop-down menu, select TA.
  7. From the Section drop-down menu, select the section to which the TA will be assigned.
  8. To restrict TA access to the selected section, check Can interact with users in their section only, and then select Next.
  9. Select Add Users. The TA's name, email address, and assigned section(s) will be listed.
  10. Select Done or, to add more users, select Add More Users.

Add or change a section assignment for a TA

After you've added a TA to your course, to add or remove sections to which the TA has access:

  1. Navigate to your course site in Canvas.
  2. In the course navigation menu, select People.
  3. On the "People" page, at the right end of the TA's record, select the gear icon, and then select Edit Sections. This will display any sections to which the TA is currently assigned.
  4. Make the desired changes to the TA's section assignment(s):
    • To add the TA to another section, to the right of "Enter a section name", select browse, and then select the section you want to add.
    • To remove the TA from a section, select the X at the right of the section name.
      The TA must be in at least two sections for you to remove one.
  5. Select Update.

Restrict TAs to viewing and grading their own sections

You can change a TA's section privileges at any time. To view or change section privileges:

  1. Navigate to your course site in Canvas.
  2. In the course navigation menu, select People.
  3. Select the TA's name to see that user's profile and course information.
  4. Scroll down to "Privileges". The TA's current section privileges are shown in plain text, with a link below to toggle those privileges. To change the TA's privileges, select the link:
    screenshot of canvas privileges window with option to limit TA's viewing to own section selected

This is document bfbc in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-11 13:51:48.