Customize course evaluation questions

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Online Course Questionnaire (OCQ), sometimes called Course Questionnaire or Online Course Evaluation, is available for online course evaluations at all Indiana University campuses and schools except the IU School of Medicine.

Instructors may add up to three qualitative and three quantitative customized questions.

You will receive an email invitation to submit additional questions for each course. Once the deadline has passed, the option to add and update questions will no longer be available.
Microsoft Edge has known incompatibilities with the Course Questionnaire application. UITS recommends using a different browser (for example, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari). For more, see Web browsers to use with IU services.

Add customized questions

  1. Select the link in the email invitation, and log in with your IU username and passphrase.
  2. You have the option of adding up to six questions, divided as you like between "Quantitative" (multiple-choice) and "Qualitative" (open-ended) questions. To add a question, select Expand all for the question type you want to add.

    Add a question by selecting 'Expand all'

  3. For your first question, select Customize.

    Customize a question

  4. Enter your question in the Question Editor, then select the X in the upper right. For quantitative questions, you do not need to enter a scale; it has already been populated for you.

    Select the 'X' in the question editor

  5. Select Include to add the question to the questionnaire. The question will show as "Included".

    Select 'Include'

  6. Repeat the steps above to add additional questions. When you're finished, select Submit at the bottom of the page.

    Submit button

Save selected questions

If you need to save your work, use the Save button.

Save button

After you select the button, you will see the following message:

The questionnaire has been saved successfully. Please click on 'Exit' when you are no longer working on this task.

You can now close the window. To add more questions or submit existing questions, return to the question selection screen by selecting the link in the email invitation you received.

Remove questions

To remove a question, select Exclude.

Select 'Exclude'

To finalize your changes, be sure to select Submit or Update.

Update questions

If you have already submitted your questions and realize that one or more questions should be removed, added, or changed:

  1. Return to the question selection screen by using the link in your email invitation.
  2. Make the changes to the questions, and select Update near the top right.

    Submit button

  3. Once the system has saved your selected questions and updated the questionnaire, you will see the following message:
    The questionnaire has been saved successfully. Please click on 'Exit' when you are no longer working on this task.
  4. Select Exit to close the window.

This is document bfcg in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-03-29 12:40:58.