How faculty can view class details and class rosters

On this page:


The following explains how to view class details and class rosters from the Faculty Center.

Access the Faculty Center

View class details

To view the details for a particular class from the Faculty Center, select the course number in the "Class" column. This will display the "Class Details" page for the course.

Select Return to Faculty Center to exit the "Class Details" page.

View and use class rosters

To view the class roster for a particular class from the Faculty Center, choose Class Roster in the "Class Roster" column for the class. This will display the "Class Roster" page for the course, where you can do the following:

  • To sort the class roster by any column, use the column header (for example, Name or Grade Basis).
  • To print the class roster, select Printer Friendly Version. At the top right, choose Print. Select Return to go back to the roster.
  • To email students directly from the class roster, follow the appropriate directions below:
    • To email an individual student, choose Send E-mail next to the student's name. This will open an email message with the student's address in the "To:" line.
    • To email several students on the roster, check the box next to each student's name and choose Notify Selected Students. This will open an email message with all of the selected students' addresses in the "To:" line.
    • To email all students on the roster, choose Notify Listed Students. This will open an email message with all of the students' addresses in the "To:" line.
    You must have a preferred email address in SIS to use the Notify buttons. If you have not registered a preferred email address, you will receive an error message.
  • To download the roster to Excel, select the spreadsheet icon above the "Program and Plans" column.

    If you plan to export and maintain local offline copies of any student information (including but not limited to names, University ID numbers, or grades), you are responsible for taking adequate security measures to handle and safeguard such data, as it remains sensitive university data.

    For more, see Protecting Data & Privacy.

    For more on handling sensitive data, see:

Choose Return to exit the "Class Roster" page.

This is document bfed in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-05-21 13:54:57.