ARCHIVED: Get started with Adobe Creative Cloud

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Install Adobe Creative Cloud for desktop

You will need the Adobe Creative Cloud for desktop application to access, download, and update Adobe Creative Cloud applications (such as Photoshop or Illustrator).


IU's Adobe Creative Cloud license allows two concurrent active instances of Creative Cloud. You can install Creative Cloud on as many computers as you want, but you can only be logged in on two of them at any given time. If you attempt to log into a third instance, you will receive a warning and an opportunity to deactivate (in other words, log out of) the other instances. For this reason, if you have Creative Cloud installed on more than one computer, UITS recommends that you deactivate Creative Cloud any time you are not actively using it.

To install Adobe Creative Cloud for desktop:

  1. Navigate to Adobe at IU.
  2. Click Download Creative Cloud.
  3. If prompted, log in with your IU username and passphrase.

  4. Under "Creative Cloud Apps", click Desktop Downloads.

    If you don't see the Desktop Downloads link:

    1. Under "Creative Cloud", click Download Apps.
    2. At the top of the next page, search for creative cloud.
    3. Under "Apps", click the Adobe Creative Cloud icon in the search results and follow the directions to install Creative Cloud.
    4. Proceed to step 8.
  5. Under "Creative Cloud", click Download.
  6. The file you'll use to install Creative Cloud will begin downloading. If prompted to save the install file, click Save File.
  7. Once the file is downloaded, locate and launch the install file. Wait for the installer to download the entire package and install the application.
    When installation is complete, the Creative Cloud desktop application should open automatically. If it doesn't, manually open the Creative Cloud desktop application from your desktop.
  8. If prompted to log in, enter your IU username followed by (in other words,, even if your primary IU email address is different, and wait for redirection to enter your IU username and passphrase.
  9. Click the Apps tab to preview the list of products available to you. For each desired product, click Install. If you choose more than one, they will install in the order that you selected them.

    Wait for the applications to install completely. If you are prompted to update any of your applications, select Yes to ensure you have the latest version of the product license.

To open an installed application, in Creative Cloud for desktop, click the application's Open button. Alternatively, select the application from the Start menu or the Finder tool.

Migrate your content

If you're already logged into the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop application with your Federated ID (in other words, your IU username and passphrase), to migrate content, you will first need to log out and then log back in with your old Adobe ID and password.

If you previously accessed Adobe resources using an Adobe ID and password rather than to authenticating via IU Login, you may have content stored that you wish to migrate from your Adobe ID account to your IU-sponsored account. You'll still be able to log in using your Adobe ID and password, but won't have access to the full suite of Adobe tools paid for by IU unless you log into your IU-sponsored account.

  • If your Adobe ID was Enter your Adobe ID (, and then, in the "Choose an account for..." window, select Adobe ID Personal account. Follow the instructions in the Asset migration guide.
  • If your Adobe ID was NOT Log in using your Adobe ID and password (not your IU passphrase), and then follow the instructions in the Asset migration guide.

Learn more

To get the most out of your Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise access, refer to the resources below. For current information about IU's Adobe resources, see Adobe at IU.

For help, contact your campus Support Center.

Tutorials and getting started guides

  • Adobe Creative Learning Hub: Access how-to guides, insider tips, best practices, and more.
  • User Guide: Get quick answers and instructions for downloading and accessing the Creative Cloud.
  • Beginner's Guide: Learn the basics and start your first project.
  • Tutorials: Find tutorials to help you expand your skills.
  • Migrating Assets: Migrate content from your existing Adobe ID account to your Federated ID (or organization) account.

Troubleshooting guides

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Last modified on 2022-10-07 17:07:43.