Important security information for Sitehost MySQL accounts

Use of the MySQL service requires adherence to policies outlined by both the University Information Policy Office (UIPO) and Tier 2 Web Services Support (WSS). These include but are not limited to:

  • You may not use this system to store critical data; see Classification levels of institutional data for a list of examples.
  • To thwart harvesting by spammers, store email addresses so they are not directly usable as email addresses. Either store them as images or in a textual form that does not resemble an email address. For more, see Protect your web pages from email address harvesting.
  • You must follow the policies set by the University Information Security Office (UISO) and the UIPO regarding storage of sensitive, personal, or restricted institutional information. For policy questions, contact the UIPO.
  • MySQL workbench is the supported MySQL Database tool for use with your Sitehost MySQL account. Refrain from using other MySQL Database tools.
  • Do not store raw student data on the Sitehost or MySQL for Sitehost services for longer than the shortest period required to place it into the database.
  • The login passphrases to Sitehost must be especially robust. For more, see Your IU passphrase.
  • The root and other access passwords created within the mysql database must also be robust.

This is document bfoh in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-05-09 07:24:50.