ARCHIVED: About REEF Polling

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REEF Polling is a student response system (SRS) being piloted at Indiana University during the spring 2016 semester. Using this system, instructors can turn anything shown on their screen into a question; REEF then sends a screenshot of the question to each student's device, to help students review and study. Students can use any Wi-Fi-enabled device to participate in polling, and REEF also offers dedicated clicker devices for those who need or prefer them.

During the REEF Polling pilot period, the vendor is waiving all fees for student accounts, so students will not be charged to set up an account.

On this page:

Signing up for the pilot

To join the REEF Polling pilot, go to Next.IU and click Sign up for a pilot. Fill in your information, and choose REEF Polling (student response) from the "Sign up for a pilot" drop-down menu. Someone from the Next team will contact you with more details.

Setting up REEF Polling


To set up REEF Polling as an instructor:

  1. From the REEF Education Download page, download and install the Instructor Application. Windows and Mac versions are available.
  2. To connect REEF Polling to your Canvas course, follow the instructions at REEF Polling: LMS LTI Integration Instructor Guide.

    If REEF is not a choice when you are adding the External Tool to your course in Canvas, email eLearning Design and Services to make sure REEF has been installed in your course.

  3. You will be provided with an access code to give to your students that they can use to activate their REEF Polling accounts. Instruct your students not to purchase their own accounts.
    Tell your students to access REEF for the first time via the link in your Canvas course site. This will ensure that the students' accounts are properly linked to your course.


Downloading the app

From the REEF Education Download page, download the Student Web App; Windows and Mac versions are available. Alternatively, download the app from the Apple App Store (it's an iPhone app, but you can use it on an iPad) or access Canvas from a browser on your Android device.

If you do not have a mobile device of any kind, contact your instructor for other options.

Creating a REEF Polling account

  1. Navigate to the Assignments tool in your Canvas course site, and click the REEF link.
  2. Click Create a New Account and fill in the fields.
    • Use your official IU email address.
    • Do not fill in the "Student ID" field.

    Canvas will send the appropriate information to associate your REEF Polling account with your Canvas course.

  3. Your instructor will provide you with an access code to activate your account. Do not purchase a REEF account.

You'll log into the REEF Polling mobile app using your email address and the password you set during account creation.

Getting help

For pedagogical or technical assistance with REEF Polling, consult the following resources:

REEF Polling resources

REEF Polling provides the following support options:

To learn more, view a REEF Polling training session.

Teaching and Learning centers

Instructors can get help using technology in their teaching at the teaching and learning centers on each campus.

UITS Support Center

For help using REEF Polling, email the UITS Mission Critical team. You can also contact your campus Support Center directly; note that consultants will be best able to help during the following hours:

  • Monday-Thursday 7am-10pm
  • Friday 7am-5pm
  • Saturday noon-8pm
  • Sunday 10am-10pm

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 17:38:29.