Access NVDA in the STC computing labs


The steps below explain how to access NVDA, a screen reader software available in the STC computing labs.

Access NVDA

  1. Because no screen reading software is running by default when you start working on computers in the STC labs, you will need to open Windows Narrator with Win-Ctrl-Enter.
  2. Once Narrator is running, do the following to log in:
    1. Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to get to the login screen.
    2. Enter your username and then press Tab.
    3. Enter your password and then press Enter.
  3. A long pause will occur while your information is loaded, which can take up to one minute.
  4. Narrator will not be running from the login screen, so press Win-Ctrl-Enter to launch Narrator again.
  5. Press the Win key and type NVDA.
  6. When you hear Narrator announce NVDA, press Enter.
  7. Once NVDA has loaded successfully, you will hear both screen readers running simultaneously. To shut off Microsoft Narrator, press Win-Ctrl-Enter. If Narrator doesn't announce that it is exiting by default, press the right arrow until you get to the Exit Narrator button.
  8. Press Enter to exit Windows Narrator.
  9. NVDA is now running, and you will be able to use it until you log off the computer.

Learn more

This is document bgzr in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-06-04 09:54:47.