Perform t-tests with Excel and a screen reader

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Before you begin

These instructions are for use with the JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver screen readers, and may not work with other screen reading software.

Perform t-tests with JAWS or NVDA

  1. Launch Excel and open the workbook with the datasets.
  2. Press Alt-A to open the Data tab.
  3. Navigate to the Data Analysis button, and then press the Spacebar to activate it.
  4. The "Data Analysis" dialog will appear and present an alphabetical list of tools in the "Analysis Tools List" box. Press the down arrow key or T to get to the t-test options. Then press Enter on your desired option.
    • t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means: Choose this option if you have paired data.
    • t-Test: Two-sample Assuming Equal Variances: Choose this option if you have independent samples.
    • t-Test: Two-sample Assuming Unequal Variances: Choose this option if you have independent samples and do not assume equal variances.
  5. The settings dialog for your selected analysis tool will appear. For "Variable 1 Range", enter the cell range for values in Dataset 1, and press Tab.
  6. For "Variable 2 Range", enter the cell range for values in Dataset 2, and press Tab.
  7. Enter the value for Hypothesized Mean Difference (the number in the edit field is 0 if you are using this tool for the first time, or the number you entered when you last used the tool).
    The value is the hypothesized difference between the population means. It is usually 0 if you are testing for a significant difference.
  8. Press Tab to move to the Label checkbox.
    • If you have header texts in the first cell of each variable range, check the Label box with the Spacebar, and then press Tab.
    • If you don't have header texts in the first cell of each variable range, leave the box unchecked and then press Tab.
  9. Set the alpha value, commonly 0.05 for a 95% confidence level.
  10. Go to "Output options". The choices are Output Range, New Worksheet Ply, and New Workbook. Use the up or down arrow keys to select your desired option.
    The default option that is selected is New Worksheet Ply if this is the first time using the tool. Otherwise, it will select the option you used last time in the tool.
  11. Tab to OK and press the Spacebar.
  12. Your results should appear as specified in your workbook. Use the down arrow key to begin reading them.

Perform t-tests with VoiceOver

In the "t-Tests options" dialog, the edit text fields do not have labels that are announced by VoiceOver. The associated label is announced before you get to the edit text filed as a text element.
  1. Launch Excel and open the workbook with the datasets.
  2. Press VO-M to access the Apple menu bar.
  3. Press the right arrow key until you get to "Tools".
  4. Press the down arrow key until you get to the Data Analysis… option in the menu, and then press Return.
  5. In the "Data Analysis" dialog, press Tab until VoiceOver announces "Table".
  6. Press the down arrow or T to get to the t-test options.
    • t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means: Choose this option if you have paired data.
    • t-Test: Two-sample Assuming Equal Variances: Choose this option if you have independent samples.
    • t-Test: Two-sample Assuming Unequal Variances: Choose this option if you have independent samples and do not assume equal variances.
  7. Select the t-test option for your need.
  8. Press VO-right arrow until you get to the OK button, and then press VO-Spacebar.
  9. The "t-Test options" dialog appears. Use VO-right arrow to navigate steps 10-15 in the dialog.
  10. Press VO-right arrow until you get to the edit text for "Variable 1 Range", and then type in the cell range.
  11. Press VO-right arrow until you get to the edit text for "Variable 2 Range", and then type in the cell range.
    There is an error with the reading order in the dialog. VoiceOver will announce the "Variable 2 Range" text element first, jump up to the "Input" section name, and then go to the edit text for "Variable 2 Range".
  12. Press VO-right arrow until you get to the edit text for "Hypothesized Mean Difference" and put in a value of 0, unless there is a specific need for changing it.
    The value is the hypothesized difference between the population means. It is usually 0 if you are testing for a significant difference.
  13. Press VO-right arrow until you get to the Labels checkbox.
    • If there are header texts in the first cell of each variable range, press VO-Spacebar to check the box.
    • If you do not have header texts in variable ranges, leave it unchecked and go to the next step.
  14. Press VO-right arrow until you get to the edit text for "Alpha". Set the value, commonly 0.05 for a 95% confidence level.
  15. Press VO-right arrow until you get to "Output Range" under "Output Options". The choices are Output Range, New Worksheet Ply, and New Workbook. Use VO with the up or down arrow to select your desired option.
    • There is an error with the reading order in the dialog. VoiceOver will announce the Output Range option first, New Worksheet Ply second, and then jump up to the "Output Options" section name.
    • The default option that is selected is New Worksheet Ply if this is the first time using the tool. Otherwise, the option you used last time in the tool will be selected.
  16. Press VO-right arrow until you get to the OK button, and then press VO-Spacebar to execute the t-test.
  17. The results will now appear in a new spreadsheet, or wherever you specified in the workbook.

Learn more

To learn more about which t-test to use from the Data Analysis Toolpak, consult the Microsoft support article Use the Analysis ToolPak to perform complex data analysis. Activate the t-Test button on the page to expand the button and get a more in-depth description of each t-test option.

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Last modified on 2023-04-11 09:19:25.