Recommendations for using ArcGIS StoryMaps at IU

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ArcGIS StoryMaps is a web-based application that allows you to create stories that share your maps or other content in the context of narrative text and other multimedia content. StoryMaps can be formatted as single-page stories or as slide-based briefings, depending on the nature of your project.

Access ArcGIS StoryMaps at IU

To access StoryMaps through Indiana University's organization:

  1. Go to ArcGIS StoryMaps and select Sign in to ArcGIS StoryMaps.
  2. Select Your ArcGIS organization's URL.
  3. In the text field provided, enter iu (making the full organization URL, and then select Continue.
  4. Select Indiana University, and then log in via IU Login using your IU username and passphrase.

Manage StoryMap assets

You should follow good data management practices for StoryMaps content while developing the StoryMap and after it is completed. Organize all media, text, and other materials used in the story in your preferred storage account (OneDrive, SharePoint Online, etc.) so the materials are saved in a location outside of StoryMaps. Any materials created in your ArcGIS Online account for the story should be exported in an appropriate format at the end of the project (and/or at major milestones during the project), as well.

All materials related to your StoryMap, including the JSON file containing the StoryMap text, can be exported using the ArcGIS Assistant tool in ArcGIS Online:

  1. In a browser, go to
  2. In the "My Content" list, find and select the StoryMap you want to export.
  3. In the sidebar that opens, choose View item resources to see all of the resources and assets associated with that StoryMap, and then, at the top, select Download all to download a zipped archive containing those materials to your device.

To generate a static PDF of your StoryMap, open it in view or edit mode, and then:

  1. From the menu (three dots) in the upper right corner, select Print Preview.
  2. Select Print.
  3. In the print dialog box, select Save as PDF, and save the file to your computer.

The PDF version will replace the interactive image and map views with static images (for example, a swipe block comparing two images will appear in the PDF as two images side by side).

If you are creating a StoryMap for a class project, you should duplicate the finished StoryMap so the instructor and student(s) can have a copy of the completed story and its dependencies in their own ArcGIS Online accounts for future reference or development.

Collaborate on StoryMaps

To allow collaboration on a StoryMap, the StoryMap must be shared with a group with Shared Update enabled; see Manage groups in ArcGIS Online for information on this type of group. This allows members of a group to edit a StoryMap regardless of which group member owns the StoryMap.

Simultaneous editing is not supported by StoryMaps, so only one group member can edit the StoryMap at a time.

Share StoryMaps

StoryMaps can be published with one of three privacy settings:

  • Private: Viewable only by the owner and members of groups with which the StoryMap is shared
  • Organization: Viewable by anyone at IU
  • Public: Viewable by anyone using the StoryMaps platform or accessing the StoryMap's URL

To make your StoryMap discoverable in search engines, select Show in web search results in the Publish settings.

To present multiple StoryMaps together, create a collection and add your StoryMaps (or StoryMaps that are public or shared with the IU organization). To create a new collection in StoryMaps:

  1. On the main StoryMaps page, in the left sidebar, select Collections.
  2. In the top right, select + New Collection.

Collections can be assigned one of three privacy settings (Private, Organization, or Public), and can be shared with specific groups.

A Collection cannot have a less restrictive privacy setting than the stories it contains. If any of the StoryMaps are set to Private, the collection must be set to Private, as well. If you publish a collection as Public that contains stories with more restrictive privacy settings, the collection will drop any stories not set to Public.

Get help with StoryMaps

For help with StoryMaps, contact UITS GIS.

This is document birw in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-02 13:41:51.