About IU Data Managers

In accordance with Rules and Policies of Data Management, Data Managers are responsible for evaluating requests for access to secure information systems in functional offices across the university (such as Admissions, Purchasing, Registrar, and Student Financial Aid, among others). Access to secure institutional data at IU cannot be granted without the approval of the appropriate Data Manager. For approved requests, Data Managers also ensure that new users receive appropriate orientation and training.

To identify the Data Manager(s) for a specific system, application, and/or data subject area, use the "Systems", "Applications", and "Subjects" filters on the Enterprise Information Governance (EIG) Areas of Responsibility page.

For details about access to a university information system, see How supervisors and Data Managers establish access to institutional data and applications for individuals.

For more about institutional data management at IU, see Data Management.

This is document ddou in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-07-31 12:36:01.