Where to edit a sound file at IU

At IU, you can edit digital sound files in any of the macOS or Windows Student Technology Centers (STCs) or Residential Technology Centers (RTCs). Software options include:

  • macOS:
    • SoundHack
    • Pro Tools (TV 250 only)
    • Audacity
    • Garage Band
  • Windows:
    • Audacity (Select Start, and then select Multimedia.)

Other departmentally sponsored Windows programs for sound editing include Cool Edit 96 (Speech and Hearing Sciences) and Sound Forge (Education).

The macOS STCs in the Music Library (third floor) also have SoundHack, digitizers, sequencers, and editors.

For information on software currently available in the STCs on various campuses, see Software Published to STC - Windows and Software Published to STC - Mac.

Instructors who need sound editing assistance for course-related materials should contact their campus teaching and learning center.

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Last modified on 2024-07-22 12:04:12.