ARCHIVED: At IUPUI, if I already have some computing accounts, how do I get others?

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If you do not have any IUPUI accounts and you are an IUPUI faculty member, staff member, or student, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: If I'm an IUPUI student, how do I get my first computing accounts? If you are not an IUPUI faculty member, staff member, or student, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: At IUPUI, if I'm not faculty, staff, or a student, how do I get a Network ID account?

If you have an IUPUI Network ID, follow the instructions below to request additional UITS accounts.

Requests for Champion accounts

Only faculty and staff are authorized to request accounts on Champion, IUPUI's central web server. Students requesting access must be sponsored by a full-time IUPUI employee, or they must represent a student organization on campus. Champion accounts normally take two business days to activate.

To request an account on Champion, do the following:

  1. Go to the UITS Account ID Request form at:
  2. Enter your Network ID username and password for authentication.
  3. Under "ID Information", enter the required personal information.
  4. Under "System Information", click to select the box next to the account you are requesting. You may select more than one account in the list.
  5. Submit the request by clicking the Submit Form button.

Requests for all other UITS accounts

  1. Visit the Account Management Service (AMS) at:

    You will need to know your Network ID username and password to access this service.

  2. When you have logged into the service, click create more accounts. You will see a list of the UITS accounts for which you are eligible. Select the appropriate account and follow the on-screen instructions to request the account.
    For departmental, student organization, or group accounts, you can change the passphrase if you know the current one. Other account settings must be handled by the account owner.

Only faculty and staff may request Exchange accounts through the AMS. For more information about how to request an Exchange account, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: At IUPUI, who may have an Exchange account, and how do I obtain one? For information about eligibility for accounts on the Research SP, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: At IU, who may use Big Red or the Libra Cluster? For information about eligibility for accounts on the AFS or MDSS, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: At IU, who can get an RFS or MDSS account?

Note: If the AMS does not list the account you need, contact the UITS-IUPUI Support Center by phone at 317/274-4357 or send email to

This is document ailu in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-05-24 12:16:27.