Get an SSL certificate for your web server

All Indiana University web servers must operate in secure mode if they display or accept sensitive data. Secure web servers are addressed with the prefix https, while web servers operating in nonsecure mode use the prefix http. In order for a web server to operate in secure mode, the server's administrator must obtain and install an SSL certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA).

The University Information Security Office has partnered with the InCommon Certificate Service to provide unlimited free SSL certificates to IU units on all IU campuses. Under the arrangement, all certificates are free to IU units, and can be used for all levels of service. With Sectigo as the back-end vendor for the InCommon Certificate Service, the certificates work in all mainstream operating systems, web browsers, email clients, etc.

To obtain an SSL certificate for your departmental needs:

  • An SSL certificate will be obtained for all virtual host names on Sitehost. To obtain a virtual host name and SSL certificate for Sitehost, see Request a virtual host for Sitehost.
  • For all other secure sites or services, see SSL/TLS certificates.

    When you receive the SSL certificate, use your web server's configuration/administration interface to install the certificate and operate your server in secure mode.

This is document aklv in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-02 14:32:28.