ARCHIVED: At IU, in Netscape 6.x, how do I read my Cyrus mail using IMAP?

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On March 1, 2008, AOL ended official development of and support for Netscape software. If you use Netscape, consider using Internet Explorer or switching to Mozilla programs such as Firefox, Thunderbird, or SeaMonkey. UITS no longer supports any version of Netscape.

To configure Netscape 6.x to read your Cyrus mail at Indiana University using IMAP:

  1. From the Tasks menu, click Mail & Newsgroups to start the Account Wizard.
  2. Select the ISP or email provider radio button, and then click Next.
  3. In the field next to "Your Name:", enter your name as you would like it to appear.
  4. In the "Email Address:" field, enter your IU email address, and click Next.

    If you are unsure of your exact IU email address, see Your IU email address.

  5. Under "Incoming Server", select the IMAP radio button, and in the "Server Name:" field, enter
  6. In the "Outgoing" or "SMTP" server field, type:

    Click Next.

    If you have already configured accounts in Netscape, the SMTP server will already be selected for you in this step. To change it, you will need to complete the account setup; then, from the Edit menu, select Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings..., and in the pane on the left, select Outgoing Server (SMTP). Then fill in the server information on the right and click OK.

  7. Verify that the "User Name:" field contains your Network ID username, and then click Next.
  8. In the "Account Name:" field, enter a simple name for the account. Click Next, then Finish, and then OK.
  9. Enable SSL encryption. To do this, from the Edit menu, select Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings.... In the left panel, under the IMAP account you just created, select Server Settings. Select the checkbox next to Use secure connection (SSL).
  10. In the left panel, click Outgoing Server (SMTP). Under "Use secure connection (SSL)", select the Always radio button. Click OK.

To read your mail, select the name of the account you created and enter your Network ID passphrase. You may have to quit and restart the program for all changes to take effect.

Note: The IU SMTP server requires authentication to send mail. Because there is no setting for this in Netscape 6.x, when you send mail, Netscape will prompt you to enter your username and passphrase. Once you do, your mail message will be sent.

This is document aksg in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 13:42:02.