ARCHIVED: Add a VDB Cache Refresh job to the Denodo 7 Scheduler

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Access the Denodo 7 Scheduler

To access the Denodo Scheduler:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate version of the scheduler:
  2. Enter your IU username and passphrase; be sure local authentication is unchecked.
  3. Click Accept.
Denodo caching is used to enhance query performance. Caching is resource intensive, so it should be implemented only after query performance issues have been detected (not by default). Cache jobs should be run as infrequently as possible. Developers are cautioned not to refresh their cache more frequently than hourly. Developers are also cautioned to cache only necessary data and to refrain from caching excessively large database columns, such as CLOBs or LOBs.

Add a VDB Cache Refresh job in Denodo 7

To add a VDB Cache Refresh job to the Denodo Scheduler:

  1. Navigate to the development Scheduler as detailed above.
  2. On the right side of the menu bar, click Projects:
    Denodo Scheduler
  3. Select your project.
  4. Click NEW JOB and then, from the drop-down menu, select VDPCache.
    If the NEW JOB button is grayed out, verify that you are connected to the development scheduler; permission to create new jobs is only available in dev. If the button is grayed out on the development scheduler, fill out the EDSD Support Form to contact EDSS.
  5. In the "Job name:" field, enter a name for your job, and in the "Job description:" field, fill in a job description.
  6. At the top, select the Extraction section tab.
  7. Choose your data source. Data sources will be named xx_xxxx VDB, where xx_xxxx is the name of your virtual database (VDB).
    If you don't see your data source listed, fill out the EDSD Support Form to contact EDSS.
  8. Next to "View:", click Cycle. Near the top of your browser window, you'll see the message "Views for selected data source have been updated".
  9. Select your view.
  10. Add criteria as needed, and then click Save.
  11. To set mail notifications, select the Handlers section tab.
  12. Click New Handlers, and then select Mail from the drop-down menu.
  13. Fill in the options as appropriate, and then click Save.
  14. To access scheduling, select the Triggers section tab.
  15. Click New Trigger.
  16. In the "Cron expression:" field, enter the cron expression; alternatively, use the cron-like UI to specify when the extract should run. For instance, you can specify a particular minute and hour of the day, which will schedule the extract to run daily at that time.
    Don't schedule your cache refresh job to run more frequently than once per hour, as such jobs will be re-scheduled to run hourly without notice.
  17. Click Save.
When you are ready to migrate the VDB Cache Refresh job from dev to stage and/or production, fill out the EDSD Support Form to contact EDSS.

To learn more, see the Denodo Scheduler Administration Guide. For assistance with the Denodo Scheduler, fill out the EDSD Support Form .

This is document alqf in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2022-01-24 10:42:54.