Student Appointment Scheduler advisor profile settings

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Get started

The Student Appointment Scheduler (SAS) lets you create and manage blocks of available time in an online calendar. Students may access this calendar to schedule, cancel, and view appointment times.

All advising roles in AdRx have SAS functionality activated by default, as well as the ability to manage many settings related to SAS and the management of your SAS calendar. OCSS suggests that you set up your profile and prepare your calendar, followed by creating appointment slots for students who schedule with you.

To get started, navigate to the Student Appointment Scheduler (SAS) student view either via One.IU or from an individual student's record in AdRx. (The link to SAS, student view, will be in the list of links on the left sidebar of a student's record.) Use the search advisor feature to select your campus and your own name. This process allows you to verify that a student can see your SAS profile. If you cannot find yourself, contact your campus administrator for AdRx and ask them to uncheck the Hide name from Calendar setting in your profile details.

Prepare your calendar

Before setting up your SAS calendar with available appointment slots, complete the SAS Outlook integration instructions.

Appointment slots and appointments created in your live (production) SAS calendar will only be sent to your Outlook calendar if you select Yes to SAS Appointments Push to Outlook. Anything you add to SAS before you allow Outlook will not retroactively be sent to your Outlook calendar.

Profile nicknames

When you access your appointment calendar, you will see your profiles listed under your name. For example, if you advise in two different departments, you may have a separate AdRx profile for each role. When setting an appointment, you can select the appropriate profile. Actions you take through each role connect to back-end reporting. Discuss with your supervisor best practices for using your profile in AdRx.

By default, your profile nickname in AdRx will be your AdRx role/AdRx group (that is, "Academic Advisor/School of Public Health"). You may want to create a memorable nickname for each profile so that you can easily identify them. To do so:

  1. In the upper right, under the icon with your initials, select My Profile.
  2. Select AdRx Student Advising Records.
  3. In the "Profile Customization" area, expand Nickname for the profile and select Edit. Enter the nickname for the profile and select Save.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each profile you have listed under the Active Profile icon in the upper right.

    Example: Set profile #1 to Psychology Advisor and profile #2 to Sociology Advisor.

The nickname you set for your profile will be visible to you on your AdRx landing page, as well as to those in your team calendar when they assist with making or revising appointment slots. It is not visible to students.

SAS settings in My Profile

The other section of the My Profile tool is the user-maintained settings and customizations found in "SAS: Student Appointment Scheduler".

SAS: Calendar settings

Use each feature's edit button to set up the following:

  • Allow drop-in appointments: If you select No, students will see a message saying that you don't use drop-in times. If you select Yes, students will see a different message when there are no available drop-in times; you can adjust availability with the Maximum future appointment time setting.
  • Maximum future appointment time: The maximum number of days into the future that students can schedule with you (includes weekends). Accepts only numerical values.
  • Minimum future appointment time: The minimum number of hours into the future required between the time of scheduling and the time of the appointment (includes weekend and evening hours). Accepts only numerical values.
  • SAS Appointments Push to Outlook: Select YES to have all future appointment slots and students scheduling sent to your Exchange account in Outlook. Appointments that are already scheduled will not be added to your Outlook calendar.
  • Outlook Appointments Push to SAS Calendar: Select YES to have all future Outlook meetings and updates sent to your SAS Calendar. No private appointment details are pushed and only the title of the meeting appears on Outlook meetings in SAS to colleagues who have access to your calendar in your AdRx group (not students).
    OCSS recommends you select Yes to both push settings to allow for the most comprehensive view of your calendar and availability for anyone using either program.
  • SAS Outlook integration: Select YES to have all future appointment slots and students scheduling sent to your Exchange account in Outlook. Appointments that are already scheduled will not be added to your Outlook calendar.

SAS: Advisor information

Advisor Bio

When a student selects your name to schedule an appointment, your advisor bio displays beneath your upcoming drop-in hours.

Even if you or your department decide to use another scheduling method, it benefits students if every advisor completes an advisor bio and explains how to make an advising appointment.

To compose your bio information, complete at least the following:

  • The group(s) of students you advise (for example, honors, economics, pre-nursing)
  • Something about your professional background
  • Contact and scheduling information

Example of a short advisor bio:

I began working at IU-East in 2009 and have worked in Campus Life and University College. Now, I see students in the School of Education. Please schedule an appointment through the Student Appointment Scheduler button. (OR please call XXX-XXX-XXXX to schedule an appointment OR go to this link to schedule an appointment).

If appropriate, you can add something such as:

If none of the available drop-in hours listed above or appointment slots coincide with your schedule, please email ( or call (317-xxx-xxxx).

Search Tags

This section displays your default search tags. You can also add other tags for students to search and find your SAS calendar.

The Office of Completion and Student Success (OCSS) recommends you identify your department/subject area and any area of specialty that would prompt a student to schedule an appointment with you. Be sure to select the Add button for each tag separately.

SAS: Advisor messaging

Remember that there is pre-populated information included throughout both email messages.

  • Subject line: The subject line includes meeting mode, advisor/coach's name, day, date, and time
  • Email body: Within the body of the email message, the following meeting details are populated just above the text you put in the confirmation and reminder email messages:
    • Date
    • Time
    • Reasons for meeting
    • Mode
    • Location details
  • Confirmation message: Your customized message to students will be sent from you immediately after they schedule appointments.
  • Appointment reminder message: Your customized message to students that will be sent from you approximately 24 hours ahead of the scheduled appointment.

SAS: Appointment locations

Each meeting mode option has details that are included in the confirmation and reminder email messages to the students who have scheduled appointments for that mode in SAS. You can pre-populate these fields with your most typical instructions on how to meet in person, online, or on the phone. When you select a meeting mode, there is at least one component of the location detail that is required.


  • Building (required): Choose from a campus-controlled list of buildings. If you are meeting in a non-university building and it's not in the list, you can select Building not in list, which will allow for an extended character limit in the "Room" field.
  • Room: Enter the number or name of the room where your meeting is scheduled to take place.
  • Details: Include instructions or landmarks that guide them to your in-person location.


  • Link: This is the URL that will populate the text "Join meeting" in the confirmation and reminder email messages to students. Moreover, when you include your personal meeting ID for Zoom, for example, the actual web address will not be directly viewable to users or online security threats aimed at obtaining meeting rooms to disrupt others' lives.
  • Details (required): Provide useful directions to help students efficiently and correctly join you in a virtual meeting. Do you expect them to use their webcam, or that they shouldn't be driving, or otherwise distracted?


  • Phone number: The number you will likely be calling them from.
  • Details (required): Confirm with the student that the number the student entered in SAS is the one you will be dialing at the start of their appointment; if you list your office phone number in the previous field, be direct in saying whether the advisor or the student initiates the call.

SAS: Scheduling notice

Set a scheduling notice to share important time-sensitive scheduling information with students as they choose appointments. You and your colleagues will also see the scheduling notice in the staff view. This should not serve as an out-of-office message for the brief periods of time that you are away.

Each scheduling notice should have two parts: The first part identifies the timeframe, and the second part redirects students to an appropriate resource for scheduling an appointment.

  • Subject: This field has a 40-character limit and is used to draw the student's attention to the message text below.
  • Message: Using the text editor available throughout AdRx, compose a message that identifies the notice's timeframe and redirects students to the appropriate resource or person so they can schedule an appointment.
  • Display scheduling notice: This toggles the notice on or off. You can compose a notice ahead of time and leave it off until it's appropriate to display to students.

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Last modified on 2024-07-18 15:43:56.