About InScribe 2.0 at IU

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Although both the InScribe (Q&A Community) and InScribe 2.0 versions are available in Canvas course navigation, UITS recommends InScribe 2.0 because it includes all the previous components along with several helpful new features.

InScribe 2.0 is both a learning support system and an alternative to Canvas discussions.

  • For learning support: InScribe connects communities of educators and students to provide scalable, context-specific help around an organization's existing digital content and curriculum. Its core is a Q&A platform where information can be crowd-sourced and eventually promoted to knowledge bank articles. InScribe can help move student questions out of instructor email and into an organized space.
  • For class discussions: InScribe provides students a discussion format similar to social media but allows instructors to organize the platform by topics. Students can ask questions or share ideas with other community members.

InScribe 2.0 sets up a community that integrates into Canvas and can also be accessed from a website. Communities can be defined as narrowly or broadly as needed. At Indiana University, InScribe 2.0 is being used in a number of ways, from individual course communities to cross-disciplinary and cross-campus communities that help students navigate the transition to college.

Use InScribe 2.0 in Canvas

InScribe 2.0 is an external tool in Canvas. You can add it to your course navigation menu, access it as a Module item, or embed it as a widget in a Canvas page or assignment via the Rich Content Editor.

Enable InScribe 2.0 in your course navigation

By default, InScribe 2.0 is hidden in Canvas.

To add a hidden tool to your course navigation menu, see How do I manage Course Navigation links?

To create your community, click InScribe 2.0. You will then have three options: create a new community, copy existing community, or use existing community. To learn more, visit Canvas: Add InScribe to Your Course.

For more about setting community defaults (such as email notifications and how students will be identified in your community), see Manage your InScribe Community.

Create an InScribe 2.0 Module item

To create an InScribe Module item, see Add InScribe to a Canvas Module.

Embed an InScribe 2.0 widget in a Canvas page

To embed an InScribe widget in a Canvas page, see Add InScribe to a Page or Assignment.

New features

This update to InScribe will bring several new features during the spring 2024 semester:

Learn more and get help

For help, contact your campus Support Center.

This is document aqqc in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-10 16:46:06.