ARCHIVED: In Oncourse, what is the rich-text editor?

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In certain tools, you can control the appearance of your text using the rich-text editor, sometimes called a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor. The rich-text toolbar has icons for editing and formatting your text.

The rich-text toolbar

The rich-text editor is based on an open-source application called CKEditor. To see what each icon in the toolbar does, refer to the CKEditor Users Guide Quick Reference. For information about entering mathematical symbols, see ARCHIVED: Entering mathematical equations.

The rich-text editor may present problems for some users of adaptive software; instructors should consider allowing other options for student submissions. For more, see the CKEditor Accessibility Guide, or contact the Assistive Technology and Accessibility Centers.

To ensure that the rich-text editor appears and functions properly, use an up-to-date browser; see ARCHIVED: Which browser should I use?

All major browsers have a native spellcheck feature which marks misspelled words. (If necessary, check your browser settings to be sure spellcheck is enabled.) To see spelling suggestions, in Internet Explorer 10 and above, right-click the misspelled word. In Firefox, Safari, or Chrome, hold down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key while right-clicking.

UITS strongly recommends that you use a supported browser, and not Internet Explorer (IE). Microsoft 365 apps and services no longer support Internet Explorer.

Note: Pasting text into the rich-text editor should preserve most formatting, but some types of formatting may need to be added manually in the editor after pasting. You can also use the Paste from Word icon to paste from a Microsoft Word document, although this may not preserve every type of formatting. For details, see ARCHIVED: Pasting from Microsoft Word.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 14:23:14.