Use Hypothesis in Pressbooks at IU as an instructor

On this page:


Hypothesis (also known as is an annotation tool available in Pressbooks at IU. Using Hypothesis, students and instructors may highlight, comment on, and share portions of text in a book.

For general help, including creating an account, creating annotations and joining groups, see Use Hypothesis in Pressbooks at IU.

Annotations created in the "Public" view can only be moderated by Hypothesis staff. UITS is unable to remove or hide annotations generated in this view, and this view cannot be disabled. Any annotations shared in this view will also be made available to anyone with a Hypothesis account regardless of the Pressbooks text's visibility settings, although any un-annotated text will remain private if set as such.

Enable Hypothesis in your Pressbooks text

  1. Log in to Pressbooks.
  2. Select My Books.
  3. In the top left corner, next to "My Catalog", make sure the correct text's title is displayed. If needed, hover over My Catalog and choose the correct text from the list.
  4. From the left-hand menu, choose Settings, and then Hypothesis.
  5. Under "Content Settings", select the text sections where you'd like Hypothesis to be allowed, and adjust any other settings as desired.
  6. At the bottom of the page, select Save Changes.

Create groups in Hypothesis

By default, annotations and highlights generated in Hypothesis are public and can be seen by anyone with a Hypothesis account. To ensure that discussions remain associated with only specific classes or sections, you may wish to create groups within Hypothesis.

Any group member may invite someone else to their Hypothesis group. However, access to the Pressbooks text itself is under the control of text administrators (that is, authors and Pressbooks at IU administration) only.

To create a group:

  1. While viewing your text in Pressbooks at IU, if necessary, select the left-facing arrow icon (Toggle or Resize Sidebar) in the top right corner of the page to expand the Hypothesis sidebar.
    If no arrow is available, Hypothesis may not be enabled for the section of the text you're viewing. Navigate to another page to find the Hypothesis sidebar, or confirm that Hypothesis is enabled.
  2. From the top of the Hypothesis sidebar, select Public, and then select + New private group.
  3. Create a name and description for your private group. UITS recommends creating a name for your group that reflects the semester, number, and section of the course the group will be created for, such as "FA18 BIOL-L100 9876".
  4. Under "Invite new members", select and copy the provided link. You may select the clipboard icon next to the URL to automatically copy it.
  5. Share the link with your students using your preferred communication method (for example, syllabus, announcement, email, etc.) to allow them to join the group.

Moderate annotations in groups

Annotations created in the "Public" view can only be moderated by Hypothesis staff. UITS is unable to remove or hide annotations generated in this view, and this view cannot be disabled. Any annotations shared in this view will also be made available to anyone with a Hypothesis account regardless of the Pressbooks text's visibility settings, although any un-annotated text will remain private if set as such.

Annotations in Hypothesis may be moderated by group creators. For details, see Moderating Annotations.

Additional resources

This is document atok in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-19 15:17:44.