About Google Chat at IU

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Google Chat facilitates direct messaging and collaboration within Google at IU. Faster and more interactive than email, Google Chat lets anyone with a Google at IU account chat with individuals and groups. Google Chat allows seamless collaboration across many devices and systems, including the web, desktop clients, and smartphones.

How to access

There are two ways to access Google Chat:

  • Browser: Navigate directly to chat.google.com in your preferred web browser (for example, Firefox, Chrome).
  • Chat app: Google has developed a standalone app which provides a fast, reliable, and engaging way to use Google Chat on any computer with the Google Chrome web browser. For more about the app, including installation instructions, see Install the Chat standalone app.
    To use the standalone app, you must have the Google Chrome web browser installed on your computer.

Group chat vs. rooms

Google Chat offers group chats and rooms for large-scale discussions. Group chats and rooms have different features and capabilities; to determine which chat option is best for your needs, see Rooms vs. group messages.

Manage rooms and groups for your department, organization, or school

By default, you can add people to a room one at a time. However, if you would like to add users in bulk, you can create a Google Group and then invite said group to your room. To invite a group to an existing room:

  1. In the Find people, rooms, bots search bar on the left of the page or chat window, enter the name of the desired room, and then select it.
  2. The name of your room should now appear at the top of the chat window or page. To the right of the name, select the down arrow.
  3. Select Add people & bots.
  4. In the "Enter name or email of person or group" search bar, enter the name of your group.
  5. Select the name of your group (for example, Test Group).
  6. Select Send.
Make sure to invite the entire Google Group rather than the email address associated with your group. Groups display the number of members under their names (for example, "3 people"). If you select a group's email address (for example, testgroup@iu.edu), you will not invite the entire group.

Once invited, individual members of the Google Group can join your room. Members will be notified in Google Chat that they have been invited to your room. If you'd like, you can also send an email notification when initially inviting the group.

Although you can invite Google Groups to rooms, you cannot invite Google Groups to group chats.

Bots in Google Chat

Bots are a unique way for users to connect to services integrated with Google Chat. You can talk to bots and command them to perform various tasks. Bots do not interact with Google Chat directly, and they adhere to all permissions and configurations maintained in the service delivered by the bot.

The following tools are approved for use in Google Chat at IU:

  • Google Drive bot in Google Chat
  • Google Chat for Confluence
  • Jira for Google Chat
  • Meet bot for Google Chat
  • Zoom

To propose other applications to be approved for use in Google Chat at IU, contact the UITS Support Center.

Learn more

To learn more about Google Chat, see:

This is document aukw in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-14 13:14:13.