ARCHIVED: Access your voice mail in UniCom Enterprise Voice

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Teams Calls provides office telephone service for faculty and staff at Indiana University.

Use Microsoft Skype for Business to access Indiana University's UniCom service.

In UniCom Enterprise Voice, your voice mail messages will be delivered in your email inbox, but you can also listen to them by other means.

For instructions for navigating the Outlook Voice Mail menus, see Microsoft's Outlook Voice Access Quick Start Guide. For IU users, "a phone that is UM-enabled" means a phone line set up for UniCom Enterprise Voice.

Use Skype for Business for Windows

With Microsoft Skype for Business, you do not need to enter a PIN or extension number. To access your voice mail:

  1. In the main Skype for Business window, just above the search bar, click the Phone icon (Skype for Business Phone icon). You'll see your voice mail below the dial pad.
  2. Mouse over a voice mail message, and click the play button to play it.

To delete your voice mail, right-click it, and then select Delete Item.

Use Lync for Mac

In Lync for Mac 14.0.6 and later, to access your voice mail:

  1. Click the Phone tab under the status message bar.
  2. Click and hold 1 to dial the voice mail system, and follow the voice prompts.

    Alternatively, to play a voice mail message directly from the client, select the message in the "Voice Mail" section below the dial pad, and click the play button.

In Lync for Mac 14.0.4 and earlier, you cannot access your voice mail directly from the Lync client; dial the appropriate Outlook Voice Access telephone number in the section below instead.

Use Skype for Business on Mac

In Skype for Business on Mac, to access your voice mail:

  1. Click the CALLS tab, and then click VOICEMAIL at the top of the calls screen.
  2. Click a displayed voicemail message to listen to it.

From any telephone

The Skype for Business voicemail remote dial-in feature is currently not available, but you can use the Skype for Business (Windows) app from IUanyWare to access voicemail.

This is document axem in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-14 14:41:29.