Configure a wireless access point at IU Bloomington if your campus residence does not yet have wireless

At Indiana University, the IU Secure and eduroam wireless networks are available in most campus residences.

At IU Bloomington, you may operate a properly configured, FCC-approved wireless access point (WAP) as an exception to Extending the University Data Network (IT-19) and Wireless Networking (IT-20) from the University Information Policy Office (UIPO) only if your residence is listed at Wireless Networking: Temporary Exception 2 (ITE20-02). Once the campus wireless network is available in your residence, this exception will no longer apply and you will need to remove your WAP from the network.

  • Any wireless router/access point (WAP) you purchase needs to have regular security updates available from the vendor. Vendors that have regular security updates include Netgear, Linksys, and D-Link.

  • You must configure your WAP according to the following security guidelines before requesting connection to the IU network. The settings for your access point must then be verified in person by a Support Center In-Person Support (SCIPS) consultant. To make an appointment, contact the UITS Support Center. Appointments must be in person at the Wells Library fourth floor SCIPS in-person location. The Support Center cannot under any circumstances register a WAP until a SCIPS consultant has completed the settings verification.

To properly configure your WAP, follow these guidelines according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your WAP. Make sure to save your settings after every configuration change. For help, contact the Support Center.

  • Set your Service Set Identifier (SSID) to usernamewap, where username is your IU username.
  • Disable SSID broadcasting. Note that you will have to manually enter your SSID in computers you wish to connect to your network; your WAP will not appear in the list of available networks.
  • Enable wireless encryption. Use the highest level of encryption offered by both your WAP and any devices you wish to connect. UITS recommends using WPA2 with AES or TKIP encryption.

    Do not use your IU passphrase as your wireless encryption passphrase or shared key.

  • Change the default WAP administrator password. Default passwords (for example, admin for Linksys products) are widely known, and offer no protection from hackers.
  • Select a specific WAP channel during configuration. Select only channel 1, 6, or 11. If you are near a microwave oven, do not use channel 6, because microwave ovens run on channel 6 and will cause wireless interference (a slow connection, dropped packets, or only one bar). You may need to change the channel if you have additional wireless interference.
  • Enable MAC address filtering, and add the MAC addresses of your wireless devices to the list of allowed addresses. For assistance locating device MAC addresses, check the manufacturer's help.
An improperly configured WAP can interfere with the connections of others in your building on the IU network. Also, an improperly secured network leaves your personal information vulnerable to hacking, and can lead to Digital Millennium Copyright Act violations, fines, and legal action if someone uses your WAP for illegal file sharing. If you connect an improperly configured device to the IU network, UITS may temporarily block your network access to prevent security breaches and interruptions of service.

This is document axlz in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-05-28 10:03:27.