Slate-Project high performance storage system: Terms of service

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Last updated: April 24, 2024

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1. Overview

1.1 General

  • The Slate-Project high performance storage system is Indiana University's project-focused implementation of Lustre.
  • This document provides guidelines for the use of Slate-Project, which apply to all Slate-Project Users and the Service Provider.
  • This document is subject to change and may be modified at any time by UITS Research Technologies (UITS-RT).
  • Communication will be sent to all Slate-Project Users when modifications to this document are made.
  • If Slate-Project Users fail to operate within the guidelines of the terms of service, access to Slate-Project may be revoked.

1.2 Terms and definitions

  • Slate-Project: The Slate-Project file system
  • Slate-Project Users: All users of Slate-Project, both Slate-Project Owner(s) and Slate-Project Members; Slate-Project Users must agree to the terms outlined in this document
  • Slate-Project Owner: Slate-Project Project Space requester; considered by UITS-RT as the Slate-Project Owner and a Slate-Project Member; must be the Principle Investigator of a corresponding RT Project
  • Slate-Project Member: An individual who has requested access to a Slate-Project Project Space that has been authorized by the Slate-Project Owner
  • Service Provider: The High Performance File Systems (HPFS) group of UITS-RT that manages and provides support for Slate-Project
  • Slate-Project Project Space: A directory created by the Service Provider for use by Slate-Project Users within Slate-Project; Slate-Project Project Spaces will have the following naming convention: /N/project/PROJECTNAME
  • No Cost Allocation: The first 15 tebibyte (TiB) of each Slate-Project Project Space; 1 TiB is equal to 240 (1,099,511,627,776) bytes
  • Billable Allocation: The Total Allocation minus the No Cost Allocation
  • Total Allocation: The capacity reserve for a Slate-Project Project Space
  • Subscription Service Agreement (SSA): A document that defines a Billable Allocation, provides an estimate of any monthly charges, and requires Slate-Project Users to read and agree to these terms of service before signing.

2. Service description

2.1 Slate-Project

  • Slate-Project provides high performance persistent storage to users of IU's research supercomputers.
  • Slate-Project is a shared resource, serving various types of users, designed to be used for computational activity on high performance computing systems.
  • Slate-Project Project Spaces are storage allocations created upon request and are primarily intended to support collaborative use for multiple Slate-Project Users.
  • Slate-Project is operated and maintained by the Service Provider.
  • With the exception of scheduled maintenance, Slate-Project is generally available 24x7.
  • Slate-Project participates in the scheduled UITS-RT maintenance window from 7am to 7pm US/Eastern time zone, on the second Sunday of the month. Slate-Project will typically be unavailable during the maintenance period.
  • If Slate-Project requires extended maintenance or unplanned emergency maintenance, notifications are posted to Status.IU.
  • Data stored on Slate-Project are not automatically backed up. Slate-Project Users are responsible for backing up and/or archiving their data.

3. Roles and responsibilities

3.1 Slate-Project Users

  • Slate-Project Users are not allowed to store all data classified as "IU Critical"; only the subset of critical data elements that satisfy the definition of PHI may be stored on Slate-Project.
  • Slate-Project Users are allowed to store sensitive data, such as electronic protected health information (ePHI or HIPAA-protected data), on Slate-Project in accordance with the following guidelines:
  • Slate-Project Users will monitor and respond to email sent to their primary IU email address for official communications from UITS-RT about their Slate-Project Project Space.
  • Slate-Project Users are responsible for their use of all UITS resources under Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources (IT-01). Specifically, as regards the use of Slate-Project, Slate-Project Users must not store data that is illegal or protected under state and/or federal regulations. If a Slate-Project User becomes aware of data having been stored on Slate-Project that violates this provision, that person shall contact
  • Slate-Project Users acknowledge and agree that if a catastrophic disaster occurs, resulting in complete data loss, Slate-Project Project Space files will not be recoverable by the Service Provider. Slate-Project Users are responsible for backing up and/or archiving their data.. Slate-Project is not backed up nor archived by the Service Provider. Information about the IU Scholarly Data Archive, which Slate-Project Users can use to archive their data, can be found here: About the Scholarly Data Archive (SDA) at Indiana University.
  • Slate-Project Users agree to maintain the following permissions and group ownership:
    • Group ownership of files and directories will be the Unix Group ID (GID) associated with the Slate-Project Project Space.
    • All files and directories in the Slate-Project Project Space that do not have the correct GID will be administratively changed by the Service Provider, and notifications will be sent to the Slate-Project Member owning the data, as well as to the Slate-Project Owner.
    • All Slate-Project Users share in the responsibility to ensure that all data contained within the Slate-Project Project Space has the correct GID ownership.

3.2 Slate-Project Owners

  • The Slate-Project Owner must be the Principle Investigator of a corresponding RT Project.
  • The Slate-Project Owner accepts any financial responsibility for charges incurred for the Billable Allocation.
  • Slate-Project Owners are considered account holders; by requesting access for additional Slate-Project Members, the Slate-Project Owner is granting permission for those Slate-Project Members to use Slate-Project Project Space that has been allocated to the Slate-Project Owner.
  • The Slate-Project Owner is responsible for the administration of data contained within the requested Slate-Project Project Space.
  • The Slate-Project Owner is responsible for authorizing and revoking Slate-Project Member access to the Slate-Project Project Space.
  • The Slate-Project Owner has the right to request that UITS-RT administratively change and/or grant permissions to allow read-write access to project data contained within the Slate-Project Project Space that is inaccessible to the Slate-Project Owner or that has been abandoned by former Slate-Project Users.
  • If a Slate-Project Owner separates from the university and does not specify a successor, the Service Provider will discontinue access to the Slate-Project Project Space until such time that a Slate-Project Owner is designated according to Privacy of Electronic Information and Information Technology Resources (IT-07). A new SSA will need to be completed once a new Slate-Project Owner is designated.
  • A change in Slate-Project Owner will require a new SSA to be signed.

3.3 Slate-Project Members

  • Slate-Project Members agree to grant read-write access to the Slate-Project Owner for all data in the Slate-Project Owner's Slate-Project Project Space that has been assigned the Slate-Project Member's User ID (UID) throughout the lifetime of the data's existence in the Slate-Project Owner's Slate-Project Project Space.
  • If at any time a Slate-Project Member's data in the Slate-Project Owner's Slate-Project Project Space become inaccessible to the Slate-Project Owner, the Service Provider may, at the Slate-Project Owner's request, administratively grant the Slate-Project Owner read-write access to said data.
  • At the Slate-Project Owner's discretion, Slate-Project Members may be granted full access to all project data, including the ability to remove other individual's data inside the Slate-Project Project Space.
  • Acknowledgment of this agreement by the Slate-Project Member fulfills the "Permission granted by owner" requirement for access described in Procedure 1, section A of Privacy of Electronic Information and Information Technology Resources (IT-07).
  • Slate-Project Members can request a copy of data that has been assigned their User ID (UID) if the Slate-Project Member becomes separated from the Slate-Project Project Space. The Service Provider will make a best effort to fulfill the request.

3.4 Service Provider

  • The Service Provider will administer the Slate-Project system using best practices for security, performance, and availability. In particular, strict adherence to the privacy provisions outlined in Privacy of Electronic Information and Information Technology Resources (IT-07) will be maintained as it is on all UITS systems.
  • The Service Provider will monitor all email to the address for all operational communication from Slate-Project Owners and Slate-Project Members concerning the Slate-Project storage system and their use of the service.
  • The Service Provider will provide support to Slate-Project Users on UITS-RT's recommended tool set for the storage and access of Slate-Project Project Space data.
  • The Service Provider reserves the right to suspend a Project User's access to the Slate-Project Project Space in Slate-Project in the following non-exhaustive circumstances:
    • As required by law or regulation
    • As the Service Provider determines in its sole discretion is necessary to protect Slate-Project from unauthorized access or damage to its content
    • As the Service Provider determines in its sole discretion that the Slate-Project User's use of Slate-Project is illegal, infringes upon the intellectual property rights of a third party, or otherwise violates the restrictions, representations, or warranties herein
    • As the Service Provider determines in its sole discretion that the Slate-Project User's use of Slate-Project may subject Indiana University to civil or criminal liability
    • For the purpose of Emergency Problem Resolution as defined in section 4.a. of Privacy of Electronic Information and Information Technology Resources (IT-07).

4. Data purge

  • There is no regular automated purge of Slate-Project. In the case of projects that are solely No Cost Allocations, UITS-RT may request a report on the Slate-Project Owner's use of the system and a list of work products (such as papers, presentations, and/or software published). If the Slate-Project Owner ignores these requests, the Service Provider reserves the right to suspend access to all Slate-Project data.
  • When a Slate-Project User's account is disabled by UITS, the Slate-Project User's data residing on Slate-Project will be removed by the Service Provider after 180 consecutive days of account deactivation.
  • All active Slate-Project Members in a Slate-Project project will be notified via email when a Slate-Project Member's account becomes disabled or when a Slate-Project Member is removed from the Slate-Project project.

5. Hours of support

  • The Service Provider will monitor all email to the address for all operational communication Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm, with the exception of university holidays.
  • The Service Provider will respond to email inquiries within one business day.
  • During unexpected services outages, the Service Provider will work after business hours to the best of their ability to restore service.

6. Billable Allocations


  • The Service Provider will evaluate requests for Billable Allocations and has the option to refuse requests.
  • Final approval by the Slate-Project Owner's fiscal officer will be required before the Billable Allocation is available for use on Slate-Project.
  • The Billable Allocation term begins the on the first of the month, after the following events:
    • The SSA is signed and accepted
    • Approval by the Slate-Project Owner's fiscal officer
    • The Billable Allocation is available for use on Slate-Project


  • Billing is calculated on the first of the month, for that month, based on the published rate for Slate-Project Space and the Billable Allocation.
    • Billable Allocation multiplied by the Published Rate results in the amount the Slate-Project Owner will be billed monthly.
  • The published rates for Slate-Project space can be found here: Rates for UITS services.
  • The Slate-Project Owner and the Slate-Project Owner's Fiscal Officer will be notified in email of all rate changes.


  • Billing will occur after each month, thus in arrears for a single month's Billable Allocation, unless there are extenuating circumstances.


  • The Service Provider will bill via the university ID billing system.


  • To increase, decrease, or terminate the size of a Billable Allocation, a request must be sent to from the Slate-Project Owner.
  • Increases and decreases to the size of a Billable Allocation are subject to the Approval (6.1) and Calculation (6.2) sections above, and will require a new SSA to be signed.


  • All Slate-Project Users and the associated Fiscal Officer will be contacted in the event of non-payment.
  • Non-payment for a given Billable Allocation will result in a suspension of all access to the associated Slate-Project Project Space.
  • Slate-Project Project Spaces that have been in suspension for 180 days will be eligible for termination and immediate data removal.


  • Requests to terminate a Billable Allocation should be sent to from the Slate-Project Owner.
  • Termination notifications will be sent to all Slate-Project Members and the Fiscal Officer from
  • Access to Slate-Project project data will be revoked for all Slate-Project Members 30 days after processed termination.
  • The final billing will occur at the beginning of the month, following an accepted termination request.
  • All project data will be deleted 180 days after project termination.

7. Service retirement

  • UITS-RT reserves the right to retire the system at the end of the system's life cycle. Slate-Project Users will be provided at least 180 days' notice before any decommissioning.

This is document axmw in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-11 09:13:20.