Set, change, or reset your IU List password

Indiana University will be transitioning to a single email domain,, between now and the end of 2025. For more about the transition, see One Mail. For details about the impact to IU List specifically, see Changes to IU List from the One Mail initiative. For general actions you may need to take, see Prepare for One Mail at IU.

On this page:

Before you begin

Most people do not need an IU List password to log into IU List. Use the IU Login button to log in with your IU username and passphrase. If you are not an eligible IU user, or need to log in with a non-primary address, log in with your email address and IU List password. IU Guest accounts need to use the IU List password login. For more about logging in, see About IU List.

The password feature is only used with the web component of IU List, if you wish to use it. Important list options are not configurable over email, so list owners may need to use the website. You can use email commands instead of the website to set some options; note that most administrative email commands require an email response to an IU List confirmation message.

Each campus has a separate administrative website, but your IU List password (if you set one) will work for all of them:

Campus IU List web interface
IU Bloomington
IU Indianapolis
IU Columbus
IU East
IU Kokomo
IU Northwest
IU South Bend
IU Southeast

Password requirements

Do not use your IU passphrase as your IU List password; doing so could compromise your information and other data on the IU network.

IU List passwords must meet the following requirements:

  • At least eight characters long
  • Contains at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
  • Contains at least one non-alphabetic character or digit
  • Does not contain any common dictionary word of four or more letters

Set a password

If you need or wish to use an IU List password, at the upper right of any IU List page, select Login locally. At the bottom of the page, select First login? Enter your email address, and select Request first password. IU List will send you an email message; follow the directions in the message to create an IU List password.

Change or reset your password

At the upper right of any IU List page, select Login locally. At the bottom of the page, select Lost password? (Do this even if you remember your password.) Enter your email address, and select Request new password. IU List will send you an email message; follow the directions in the message to create an IU List password.

Locked accounts

The IU List system will lock your account after a predetermined number of failed logins, as prevention against unauthorized attempts to control your lists. If this happens, you will need to follow the above sequence to reset your password; you can choose the same password again.

This is document bbwd in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-14 13:28:22.