If you can't boot to a CD/DVD image in II-Enterprise at IU

On an Indiana University Intelligent Infrastructure Enterprise (II-Enterprise) system, your virtual machine (VM) may fail to boot to the .iso image you mounted, even if you correctly configured the BIOS to boot from the image.

If you encounter this problem, check whether the following happens:

  1. On the VM, select Edit Settings, and then select CD/DVD drive 1.
  2. Check the Connected checkbox, and then select Ok.
  3. Return to Edit Settings, and then select CD/DVD drive 1 again. If the Connected checkbox is no longer checked, most likely your .iso image is mounted by too many VMs simultaneously. This is a known issue that should be fixed with the next major upgrade to the II-Enterprise environment.

The most frequently used .iso images in the IU Intelligent Infrastructure environment typically have copies (such as [NAME]-COPY.iso) that can be mounted in such instances to avoid this problem.

If the problem persists, or if you have questions, contact the UITS Intelligent Infrastructure team at sav-request@iu.edu.

IU Intelligent Infrastructure (II) is a suite of services provided by the Enterprise Systems division of UITS. II offers remote access to the same high performance and high-availability hardware and security devices UITS uses to deliver mission-critical university applications and services.

For more, see About IU Intelligent Infrastructure.

This is document bdzr in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-22 13:15:52.