Add web resources to your course navigation in Canvas

In Canvas, an external app called the Redirect tool allows you to add web resources to your course navigation. To use the Redirect tool to add a website or page to your course navigation:

  1. Select Settings and select Apps, and then search for the Redirect tool.
  2. Open the Redirect tool and select Add App.
  3. In the Add App dialog:
    1. In the "Name" field, enter the name of the web resource you want to appear in the course navigation.
    2. In the "URL Redirect" field, enter the URL of the website or page.
    3. If desired, check Force open in new tab.
    4. Check Show in Course Navigation.
    5. Select Add App.
  4. To see the web resource link in the course navigation, refresh the page; select the link to test it.

To learn how to perform common tasks in Canvas, consult the Canvas Guides.

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Last modified on 2024-06-12 13:22:16.