FireForm dashboards

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Admin dashboard

In FireForm, users with administrative access to a tenant can use the Admin dashboard to build forms and workflows, view form submissions, and manage the tenant's users, groups, and roles.

The Admin dashboard URL will include a tenant code and will end with "admin"; for example (replace tenantcode with your tenant code):

  • Staging/testing environment:
  • Production environment:

The home page displays assignments (a to-do list of form entries that are assigned to you) in the current tenant.

Use the top menu to access the following dashboard features (or select the collapsed menu icon Collapsed menu icon):

  • Tools: Links for viewing assignments, building forms and workflows, adding payment functionality, and viewing form submissions and data (form entries).
  • Reports The only report currently available as of April 3, 2020 is Financial Transactions. Others may be added over time.
  • Configuration: Links for building form components, such as pages, page sections, workflow states, pivot sets, and integrated data sources.
  • Settings: Links for managing users, groups, and roles within the tenant itself.

Online dashboard

Non-admin users can use the Online (end-user) dashboard to view and submit forms, and to participate in workflows. Admin users can also use the Online dashboard to view forms as non-admin users will see them.

The Online dashboard URL will include a tenant code and will end with "online"; for example (replace tenantcode with your tenant code):

  • Staging/testing environment:
  • Production environment:

When a user opens the dashboard, the "Form Listings" page for the tenant is displayed. This page is tenant specific (the information displayed does not change based on the user), and does not require IU Login authentication. Users can see all forms on the tenant that are not set to Hide from Page. Users can also view form details and submit forms; some forms may require the user to authenticate via IU Login. Access can also be restricted based on ACM groups, limits on the number of times a user can submit a form, and other conditions.

Use the top menu to access the other Online dashboard pages:

  • My Assignments: A user-specific (IU Login required) display of form tasks assigned to the user from all tenants to which the user belongs. My Assignments will only be visible if the user is logged in and has assigned tasks.
  • My Entries: A user-specific (IU Login required) display of all forms the user has submitted or saved as drafts for all tenants to which the user belongs. Forms that have been returned to the user for resubmission also are displayed.

Use the navigation on the left to navigate between tenants. A tenant will only be displayed in the left navigation if the user is logged in and if they have any form assignments or entries within a given tenant.

UITS recommends keeping the Admin and Online dashboards open while you're building a form or adding components. You also may want to set the form to Hide from Page while you're working on it. Use the Online dashboard to view changes as you save them in the Admin dashboard to verify that the elements you are adding are functioning properly.

Get help

For general information on building forms and components, see Build forms using FireForm.

If you have additional questions, need to report a bug, or would like to make enhancement requests for the FireForm system, submit a FireForm Support Request.

This is document bfvl in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-03-21 14:45:04.