Manage ownership of a team in Microsoft Teams at IU

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Following are options for transferring ownership of a team in Microsoft Teams at IU.

Transfer ownership of a team you own

To transfer ownership of a team you own to another person:

  1. Open the team in Microsoft Teams.
  2. To the right of the team's name, or at the upper right of the team's tile, select the More options icon (More options icon), select Manage team, and then:
    • To promote a current team member to owner:
      1. Next to "Members and guests", select the arrow to expand the list of team members.
      2. Next to the person you want to promote, in the "Role" column, select the arrow and select Owner.
    • To add a new person as an owner:
      1. Select Add member.
      2. In the "Add members" dialog box, start typing the username of the person you want to add to the team.
      3. Select the name of the person you want to add from the list of suggestions, and then select Add.
      4. Next to the new member's name, in the "Role" column, select the arrow and select Owner.
      5. Select Close.
  3. To remove yourself as an owner of a team, do one of the following:
    • To change yourself to a member of the team:
      1. Select the team's More options icon (More options icon) and select Manage team.
      2. Next to your name in the list of members, in the "Role" column, select the arrow and select Member.
    • To remove yourself from the team entirely:
      1. Select the team's More options icon (More options icon) and select Leave the team.
      2. In the pop-up window, select Leave the team to confirm that you will no longer be a member of the team.
Once team ownership has changed in Microsoft Teams, you should use the Manage Your Storage Locations form to update owner information for the team's storage location; for instructions, see Manage institutional storage locations you've created at IU.

Microsoft Teams ownership changes will be reflected on the Secure Storage website the next day and new owners will be able to manage their storage locations to make necessary changes or make renewal requests.

Renew your Microsoft Team with Secure Storage

Team owners are required to fill out a yearly attestation through the Secure Storage website, with April 1 as the deadline for renewal. The registered owner and co-owners will be notified that renewal is required, but any Owner of the team may complete the request.

Teams that require renewal may be viewed through the Renew Storage tool. Teams that are currently archived or have been deleted will not be on the renewal list. Edits to ownership or other details through the instructions for Manage institutional storage locations you've created at IU will also renew the Team for the current year.

Change the owner of a team when all owners have left IU

If all of the team's owners have left IU, any existing team member can request to be promoted to owner by sending email to

If a team no longer has any members, the senior executive officer of the department that requested the team must submit a written "Critical Operational Necessity" authorization to the University Information Security Office (UISO) per Privacy of Electronic Information and Information Technology Resources (IT-07).

Change ownership of a private channel

If the owner of the private channel has left IU, but there is a member of the private channel who wishes to become the owner, the department manager can contact and request that the member be promoted.

If there are no members who wish to become the owner of the private channel, the department manager will need to contact UIPO to obtain an IT-07 authorization (the "Critical Operational Necessity" request) and suggest a new owner.

This is document bgop in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-12 13:35:31.