Restore the ability to boot your virtual machine after installing Windows Server 2022 security update KB5022842

After installing Windows Server 2022 security update KB5022842, your virtual machine (VM) may fail to boot when using an EFI with Secure Boot.

  • At this time, UITS recommends not installing the KB5022842 security update.
  • Uninstalling the update will not resolve the issue; follow the steps below instead.

If you installed the KB5022842 update and cannot boot your VM, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Log in to vCenter with your IU VM Admin username. For information on using Two-Step Login (Duo) with vCenter, see Access Intelligent Infrastructure vCenters using Duo.
  2. Use the search at the top of the screen to locate your VM.
  3. In the list on the left, right-click the VM name and select Power - Power Off.
  4. Wait for the VM to power down.
  5. In the list on the left, right-click the VM name and select Edit Settings.
  6. On the VM Options tab, expand Boot Options, uncheck (de-select) Secure Boot, and then select OK.
  7. In the list on the left, right-click the VM name and select Power - Power On.

If the above steps do not resolve your issue, contact the Storage and Virtualization team at for help. If a production system is affected and needs immediate attention, call Data Center Operations at 812-855-9910 and ask to have a member of the SAV Virtualization team paged.

For more about this issue, see:

To stay informed about potential system maintenance events, join the VMADMIN-L mailing list; for more, see Support resources for IU Intelligent Infrastructure and storage and virtualization.

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Last modified on 2023-11-21 09:37:38.