Find and adopt IU eTexts

On this page:

Before you begin

  • Make sure that you are assigned to a class in the SIS Schedule of Classes before submitting an IU eTexts adoption request.
  • The IU eTexts Portal is available for eText adoptions only during a specific period prior to an upcoming term; for dates, see Ordering deadlines for IU eTexts. When the deadline has passed, the portal is no longer available for placing orders. For help adopting an eText after the deadline, see Submit a post-deadline order below.
  • When cross-listing courses using IU eTexts, all sections need to have identical eText orders. If the eText order for a selected section does not match the order for the primary section in Canvas, the selected section will not be cross-listed, and an error message will display.

  • If you are teaching a lecture that has a required course component, such as a lab or discussion section, do not place an order for the component section. Doing so will result in students being charged twice for the same material. Instead, order only for the primary section and request cross-listing help from the IU eTexts Service Catalog.
  • After a title is loaded to the course site, changes or deletions are no longer possible.

For help with IU eTexts, contact your campus Support Center.

Browse IU eTexts

To browse IU eTexts titles:

  1. Go to the IU eTexts Portal.
  2. Select Catalog.
  3. Use the text box to search by title, publisher, ISBN, or other information related to a text, or select either Browse eTexts or Browse DLTs to browse all available standalone eTexts or digital learning tools (DLTs).

The IU eTexts catalog provides basic information for ordering purposes. For in-depth information about a title, consult the publisher's website or your publisher representative.

Adopt an IU eTexts title

Adopt a new IU eTexts title

To adopt a new IU eTexts title for a course, follow the instructions in Use IU eTexts to order digital course materials.


When searching for content to adopt in step 3, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Many publishers offer several different versions, formats, and editions of similar-sounding titles. The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a truly unique identifier (much like a UPC or SSN) and is the easiest way to ensure you find exactly what you are searching for. IU eTexts systems use the 13-digit ISBN, without hyphens (for example, 978XXXXXXXXXX). You can search by the print ISBN or the eBook ISBN. Courseware/digital learning tools (DLT) titles have their own ISBNs.
  • For the best search experience, use the print or paperback ISBN for standalone eTexts and the instant access ISBN for courseware/DLTs from your publisher's website or sales representative.
  • You may also search by publisher, title, author, or keyword.
  • Bundles, such as a text packaged with an access card, are not offered via IU eTexts. You will not find bundled products in the IU eTexts Catalog.

If no results are returned for the search terms you entered, see Request to have a title added to the Catalog/Order tool below.

Request to have a title added to the Catalog/Order tool

To request to have a new publisher added to the IU eTexts Catalog, go to IU eTexts: New Publisher.

If you can't find the content you want, you may need to submit a content request. To submit a content request:

  1. On the "Add Content" screen, select Submit a Content Request.
  2. Provide all five pieces of information requested in the form (publisher, ISBN, complete title, author, and edition), and then select Add Content Request.
  3. Complete your order. You will receive a confirmation from the IU eTexts Portal that your content request was received. If you do not receive a confirmation, check to make sure you do not have the item in your cart in the Order tool.
  4. If the IU eTexts team can make your requested content available, your request will be administratively converted to an order, and you will receive confirmation that your order has been placed. Response time varies from one week to three months.

    If your requested content isn't available, the IU eTexts team will contact you to explain why and/or discuss alternatives.

Reorder an IU eTexts title

If some content has been adopted for a course previously, you can reorder it for following semesters. To reorder course content, follow the reordering instructions in IU eTexts: A Faculty and Staff Introduction. When reordering an IU eTexts title, consider the following:

  • If the previous ISBN is no longer offered, the feature will automatically fill in a content request template that you can use to request that the content be added to the Order tool.
  • There is no guarantee the price will remain the same as the previous order.
  • It is important to verify that you have selected the correct ISBN.

Submit a post-deadline order

Before submitting a post-deadline order, consider the following:

  • According to federal regulations, students should be informed, before they choose to enroll in a class, of the cost of required materials for that class.
  • Once they're enrolled, it may not be easy for students to change their class schedules and/or personal/work schedules.
  • IU eTexts fees for the term are posted to student bursar accounts approximately three to four weeks before the first day of the term, in time for the first billing. Late-added IU eTexts fees could become an unexpected and unwelcome surprise.
  • Financial aid awards are applied to student accounts approximately one to two weeks before the first bill of the term is due. Late-added IU eTexts fees could become a hardship for students who are unprepared for them.
  • One of the goals of the IU eTexts initiative is to ensure materials are available to students on or before the first day of class. There are no guarantees how fast anything can happen after self-ordering has closed for the term.

If you need to submit an order after the IU eTexts ordering deadline (for dates, see Ordering deadlines for IU eTexts), select the IU eTexts service catalog item that best matches your situation:

  • Post-Deadline Order Request (New): A request is considered "New" if there is no existing order for a course/class in the coming term(s), and self-ordering has already closed for the coming term.
  • Post-Deadline Order Request (Late Add): A request is considered a "Late Add" if a new section of a course is added late to the SIS Schedule of Classes, after all the rest of the classes already have the same IU eTexts order in place.
  • Post-Deadline Order Request (Change): After the self-ordering deadline has passed, but before the change deadline, you may still request to change, add, or delete ISBNs and/or class numbers.
  • Post-Deadline Order Request (Cancel): After self-ordering deadline has closed, but before the change deadline, you may still request to cancel all or some part of an IU eTexts order.
  • Due to the potential impact a change can have on students, requests must be pre-approved by a "Course Authority" (a faculty member from the academic unit who has an oversight responsibility for the course, and who holds the title of Dean, Chair, or Director, according to the School/Department website).
  • You will not see your classes in the IU eTexts Portal until your school/department/program has finished editing the SIS Schedule of Classes for the upcoming term.
  • Updates/changes will be reflected in SIS after two nights have passed since the update was made.
  • You may submit orders only for classes to which you are assigned as a "Primary Instructor" in the SIS (unless you are an IU eTexts Coordinator).
  • IU eTexts orders are submitted to a class number (not to a course catalog number or to an instructor). If a class number is cancelled, its order is cancelled, too.
  • If your teaching assignment changes, you or your department's IU eTexts coordinator must place an order for your new class and cancel your order for the class section you are no longer teaching if that title will not be used by the new instructor.
  • You must order IU eTexts titles for every class number (including cross-listed courses) in every term in which you wish to use them.

    For IU Online Class Connect (IUOCC) classes, you need only to submit an order for the original class. SIS will replicate the order to the other campuses when you cross list the courses with your primary class.

  • Save your email confirmation for future reference. If you are both an IU eTexts coordinator and an IU student, the IU eTexts Portal will not send you any email. A resolution to this issue is being worked on. Until then, use the other tracking methods.

This is document bizq in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-28 09:36:32.