Share your Windows Outlook calendar or folders

In Outlook for Windows, if you have an Exchange Online mailbox, you can allow others within your Exchange organization to access your mailbox folders, including your calendar. The following instructions will work for individual and group email accounts.

Types of sharing

Outlook allows two types of sharing:

  • Folder permissions: This type of sharing allows selected others to view the contents of a specified folder, but does not allow others to send email on your behalf. When setting up folder permissions, you can determine exactly how much access a given person has to your folder. The following roles are available:
    • Owner: Allows full rights to the mailbox, including assigning permissions; you should not assign this role to anyone
    • Publishing Editor: Create, read, edit, and delete all items; create subfolders
    • Editor: Create, read, edit, and delete all items
    • Publishing Author: Create and read items; create subfolders; edit and delete items they've created
    • Author: Create and read items; edit and delete items they've created
    • Nonediting Author: Create and read items; delete items they've created
    • Reviewer: Read items
    • Contributor: Create items
    • None: Gives no permissions for the selected accounts on the specified folder
  • Delegates: You can also designate delegates, who can have different permissions but also the additional ability to send email on your behalf.

Set folder permissions

First, you need to give the other person access permission to both the mailbox and the specific folder in the mailbox. Assign permissions along the entire path down to the folder you want to share; for example, if you want others to have access to a subfolder in your Inbox, you need to assign permissions to the mailbox folder, the Inbox folder, and the subfolder. To set permissions on folders:

  1. Open Outlook and find the Folder List, typically the default view.
  2. From the menu that appears, select Properties, and then select the Permissions tab.

    If you do not see the Permissions tab, you probably have Personal Folders set as your default delivery location. In order to grant permissions, set the default delivery location to your Microsoft Exchange mailbox.

  3. Select Add..., and then select the people to whom you wish to grant permissions. After each selection, select Add->. When you are done, select OK.
  4. You can now select which permissions to grant. If you wish to grant only the ability to view items in this folder, assign the role of Reviewer. For more on permissions, see the list above.

    To grant permissions, select a name from the box beneath "Name:" and "Permissions:", and then from the drop-down menu beside "Permission Level:" or "Role:", make your selection. You can also create custom permissions by selecting from the options within the "Permissions" area. Once you've finished making your selections, select Apply, and then OK.

    In the list under "Name:", the group called "Default" includes everyone at Indiana University who has an Exchange account. Under normal circumstances, you should not assign permissions to it; leave it set to None. If you grant any permissions or assign a role to it, you are granting those permissions to everyone with an IU Exchange account.
  5. Those to whom you have granted permissions now need to set up Outlook to view your folders; see View another's Exchange calendar or mailbox folders in Outlook for Windows.

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Last modified on 2024-06-17 13:16:52.