Look up Data Managers for IUIE and Data Delivery Apply Security

On this page:

Find the Data Manager(s) for a Data Delivery Apply Security request

If you are creating a Data Delivery Apply Security request, you can find Data Manager(s) listed in the following places:

  • On the "Enterprise Data" page, after selecting the appropriate enterprise system:

    Find Data Manager(s) listed on the 'Enterprise Data' page

  • On the "Summary" page for the request, under "Approval Requests":

    Find Data Manager(s) listed on the 'Summary' page, under 'Approval Requests'

  • On the "Resource Publishing Request" page for pending requests: To view, click Data Manager approval and find the Data Manager(s) listed in the "Decision" section.

    For a pending request, click 'Data Manager approval'

    Find the Data Manager(s) listed in the 'Decision' section

Find the Data Manager(s) for an IUIE report

To find the Data Manager(s) for an Indiana University Information Environment (IUIE) report:

  1. Go to the Enterprise Information Governance (EIG) search page.
  2. Under "Type", select Data Manager.
  3. Under "Campus", select the campus.
  4. Under "Applications", find and select the application code for the type of data you are looking for.
  5. Under "Systems", find and select the system code for the type of data you are looking for; this step isn't always needed.

The IUIE Data Manager(s) will be listed in the results.

If you are having trouble determining what to choose for the "Applications" or "Systems" steps, often one or the other is in the report's technical name. For example, "IE_SIS_ADM_RO_GLSRY_LST" has the system code "SIS" (Student Information Systems) and application code "ADM" (Admissions).

This is document allg in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2022-07-28 17:03:32.