About the IUIE Backdoor Userid function for Data Managers

In the IUIE, a Backdoor Userid allows all system-wide Data Managers to view and manage campus-level access requests. The Backdoor Userid currently works with the Student, Athletics, and Physical Facilities application areas. All other areas are system-wide, so while the Backdoor Userid field is available, it will not work.

In the future, the IUIE development team may expand the Backdoor Userid feature to allow Data Managers to view access requests within the same application area, but without the ability to approve or revoke the requests. Only IUIE Administrators and system-wide Data Managers would be able to update access with Backdoor Userid privileges.

To use the Backdoor Userid:

  1. Select the Manage Access tab, and then select Review Access Requests.
  2. On the far right of the Data Manager actions table, in the Backdoor Userid field, enter the IU username for any Data Manager in your application (for example, SR, SF, FA, ADM, ATHL).
  3. Select Search. You will see the access request pages for the ID you entered. For example, if Joe Black acts as a proxy for Jane White, the page title will indicate that he is acting as a proxy, and will say, "Review Access Requests - Joe Black standing in for Jane White".
  4. Approve, submit, and deny access as needed.
  5. To exit the Backdoor Userid view and return to your default view, clear the Backdoor Userid field, and then select Search.

Email notification of the actions taken by proxy will be sent to the Data Manager of record and the user whose access is modified.

This is document asyx in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-14 11:25:01.