Manage users in the IUIE as a Data Manager

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User information

If a user needs access to a certain report, first find out whether the user has an IUIE account:

  • If no account exists, tell the user to complete the registration form. Once the account is created, you can immediately grant access to the user.
  • If the user already has an IUIE account, check the existing access level before assigning additional access. Under the Manage Access tab, select Users, and then search for the username.

User groups

User groups control access to report objects. If a user is a member of a user group assigned to a report object, the user will have access to that report. If a user needs access to a certain report, as a Data Manager, you will need to know the user group that controls access to the report.

There are two types of user groups in the IUIE:

  • OL (Object-Level): OL user groups are assigned to report objects that are restricted at the object (or table) level only. OL user groups usually have Oracle role counterparts.
  • RRL (Restricted Row-Level): RRL user groups are assigned to report objects that are also row-level secured. RRL user groups are table-level access and, like OL report objects, have Oracle counterparts. They are distinct from OL in that if a report object is assigned to an RRL user group, the group will need a row-level assignment as well. Both types of user groups must be assigned to restrict overall access to the report object.

Determine security

You can determine security either from the Master Catalog or from the Data Manager approval request email message.

From the Master Catalog

From the Master Catalog, in Manage mode, navigate to and select the report object. You will find links for either Object-Level Access, Row-Level Security, or both. Select either option to see what security is assigned to the report:

  • The Object-Level Access link will return a page listing all of the assigned OL user groups. You will also see RRL user groups in the list. From this page, you can select the Members icon to see the users in each group. You can also add a user to the group from this page.
  • The Row-Level Security link returns a page listing the row-level values used to secure the data.

For more, see Determine report security from the IUIE Master Catalog

From the Data Manager approval request email

If you have the user submit a Data Manager approval request, the form will send an email message listing the user groups that control access to a report. Ask the user to select the report; this will bring up the Data Manager approval request form. Once the form is submitted, an email message is sent to the Data Manager(s) and a copy is sent to the IUIE Help Desk.

Add users

Only a Data Manager authorized to approve access can add a user group to an account. All access is effective the following business day.

To find report objects to which you want to add users, select Manage Access, then User Groups or Row-Secured Groups, and then search the IUIE. To add the user:

  1. Next to the report object, select the Members icon, and then select Add.
  2. Enter the username to be added, and then change the "DM Approval" value to T.
  3. Select Save.
Another method is to select the Members icon, find the username in the list of members, select Edit, flip the flag to T, and then select Save.

This is document apdp in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-12 12:32:56.