About Google Cloud projects on IU accounts

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Indiana University is currently establishing Google Cloud as a managed service in which IU students, faculty, and staff can use cloud computing resources for university-related work. When this transition is complete, any Google Cloud project associated with an IU email address will be part of the university's managed environment.

IU's managed environment is appropriate for university business, including work related to teaching, research, class projects, and university administration. For personal projects in Google Cloud, use a non-IU Google account.

If you have an existing Google Cloud project that is associated with an IU email address, you may need to take action to retain access to your project in the future. Any project that remains in the IU Google Cloud environment and is associated with your IU email address will be deleted when your IU account eligibility ends.

Types of projects and recommended actions

UITS recommends the following for existing Google Cloud projects of various types:

  • Unneeded projects (everyone): If you no longer need it, delete the project.
  • Personal projects (everyone): If your Google Cloud project is not related to IU work, you should move your project to a personal account.
  • Student projects:
    • Projects for current coursework, thesis/dissertation work, etc., should remain in the IU environment. You do not need to take any action.
    • When your class is over, consider whether you will want access to your project after you leave IU. If so, you may wish to move your project to a personal account. If you leave your project in the IU environment, you will lose access to it when your eligibility for IU accounts ends.
  • Faculty projects:
    • Projects created for teaching purposes should remain in the IU environment. You do not need to take any action.
    • If your project is related to research, submit the Cloud Support form, who will help you obtain appropriate resources to support your work in the IU Google Cloud environment. Include your project name and project ID; see Identifying projects.
  • Staff projects:
    • Projects created for university business of an administrative nature (rather than for coursework, teaching, or faculty research) must be on the university's Google Cloud contract funded by an IU purchase order. Follow the directions in Get an AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure account at IU to migrate your Google Cloud project to an account on the IU contract. If your primary role at IU is staff, and you take no action, your personal projects will be deleted.
If you're not sure what to do, or your situation is not covered in the instructions above, submit the Cloud Support form.

Move a project to a personal account

You can move Google Cloud projects from the IU Google environment to a personal Google account at any time before your IU eligibility ends, as long as it does not contain institutional data. To do so, submit the Cloud Support form with the following information:

  • Project name
  • Project ID (to find the project ID, see Identifying projects)
  • Current owner (email address)
  • Non-IU email address to move the project to

This is document awts in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-05-08 11:19:34.