Get an AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure account at IU

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Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure are public hyper-scale computing platforms that you can use to satisfy a variety of cloud computing needs.

At Indiana University, if you wish to use university resources to fund your cloud computing, use these platforms for research (regardless of funding source), or you plan to place institutional data in the public cloud, you're required to get your AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure account through IU's contracts with designated resellers. Under these contracts, AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure accounts are billed directly to the account or subaccount codes of IU departments, faculty, or researchers. In certain cases where individuals are using credits from the vendors, an accounting code may not be needed.

Students are not eligible for AWS or Azure accounts under IU's contracts, but may pay for them directly with the vendors. Students can get a Google Cloud account in IU's Google Cloud environment for course projects during their time at IU. For more, see Public cloud accounts for students.

Use a personal, rather than IU account, for personal training, exploration, hosting, or development on these platforms.

Get a new AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure account under the IU contracts

To get a new AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure account through IU, follow the steps below. UITS recommends you read through all the steps before you begin. If you have questions, submit the Cloud Support form.

  1. Fill out the IU Public Cloud Computing Account Request Form.
    1. Navigate to
    2. Complete the form with the requested campus, department, and billing information.
      When asked for "account holder" information, provide the name of the owner of the IU account or subaccount code that will be used to link your cloud account to IU's accounting system.
    3. Once you have submitted this form, you will be directed to the next step, and Cloud Technology Support will begin to set up your account.
  2. Follow the link in the request form confirmation to sign the IU Public Cloud Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA).
    1. At the top of the page, select the cloud provider(s) for which you are requesting a new account.
    2. Read the AUA and acknowledge that you agree with the terms and conditions it contains, and then select Submit.
  3. After you submit the AUA, you'll receive email confirmation from IU Cloud Technology Support containing details about the information you need to submit a purchase request. The purchase request requires:
    1. Encumbrance amount: In your purchase request, you'll need to enter an amount of funds to encumber against your IU fiscal account(s). To estimate your expenses, you may use the AWS price calculator, Google Cloud pricing calculator, or the Azure price calculator, or you may discuss your use case with a cloud specialist. The email message you receive will include the contact information of your chosen vendor's specialist.
      If you will be using research credits from the vendor or a funding agency, submit the Cloud Support form before beginning your application so that Cloud Technology Support can assist with any special circumstances.
    2. A PDF of the AUA confirmation message: A PDF of your AUA confirmation email message must accompany your purchase request. For instructions for converting an email message to a PDF, see Save a message as a file.
    3. A requisition: Once you have the documents described above, create a requisition in BUY.IU. Consult the email message from Cloud Technology Support for detailed instructions and vendor-specific values to use when filling out the requisition.

    Once your purchase order (PO) has been processed, BUY.IU will send it to the reseller and IU Cloud Technology Support will finish setting up your account.

  4. As soon as the account is ready to use, Cloud Technology Support will send you instructions for accessing it. You'll access your AWS or Google Cloud account using your IU username and passphrase, and your Azure account using your IU email address and IU passphrase. (See About logging into Microsoft 365 or Azure at IU.)
Before you grant any staff members access to an IU-managed AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure account, they must also sign the AUA and send the account owner a copy of their confirmation email message for your records. You can direct them to the AUA link provided in your request form confirmation, and have them choose the "AUA only" option.
POs for cloud computing accounts must be regularly renewed. The frequency of renewal depends on the terms of the individual contracts. IU requires all users of AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure to reaffirm their agreement to the terms of the AUA at the time of renewal. Failure to re-sign the AUA will result in the loss of eligibility to use cloud computing resources through the IU contracts.

Migrate an existing AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure account to the IU contract

Migrating an existing AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure account involves extra steps and the assistance of the vendor or reseller. Cloud Technology Support can manage that transition as part of the account provisioning process.

To migrate an existing AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure account to the IU contract:

  1. Fill out the account request form, sign the AUA, and submit a purchasing request as detailed in the new account section above. Be sure to specify the vendor of the account you wish to transfer.
  2. Immediately after submitting your purchase request, submit the Cloud Support form to indicate that you are migrating an existing account onto IU's contract. They will gather the necessary information to facilitate the move, and work with you until your account has been migrated.
  3. Once established in IU's tenant, you'll access your AWS or Google Cloud account using your IU username and passphrase, and your Azure account using your IU email address and IU passphrase. (See About logging into Microsoft 365 or Azure at IU.)
Before you grant any staff members access to an IU-managed AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure account, they must also sign the AUA and send the account owner a copy of their confirmation email message for your records. You can direct them to the AUA link provided in your request form confirmation, and have them choose the "AUA only" option.
POs for cloud computing accounts must be regularly renewed. The frequency of renewal depends on the terms of the individual contracts. IU requires all users of AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure to reaffirm their agreement to the terms of the AUA at the time of renewal. Failure to re-sign the AUA will result in the loss of eligibility to use cloud computing resources through the IU contracts.

Learn more

If you have questions about getting an AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure account through IU, submit the Cloud Support form.

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Last modified on 2024-05-31 12:10:50.