ARCHIVED: Use Skype for Business team calling in UniCom

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Use Microsoft Skype for Business to access Indiana University's UniCom service.


Teams Calls provides office telephone service for faculty and staff at Indiana University.

In Skype for Business, you can set up a group of people to answer your incoming calls. You can configure team calling to ring you and your team-call group simultaneously, or set a delay of a specified number of seconds. All members of your team-call group need to be configured for UniCom Enterprise Voice.

When you set up a team of people to answer your calls, you become the team leader with reference to any calls coming to your phone number. (You could also be a member of someone else's team-call group, but each leader needs a unique phone number.) As a team leader:

  • If your presence is set to Offline or Do Not Disturb, your calls are routed to the team.
  • If no one on the team answers, the call goes to your voice mail.
  • If the caller is a contact with the Friends and Family privacy relationship, the call is not forwarded to the group. See ARCHIVED: Privacy relationships in Microsoft Skype for Business.

Configure team calling

To configure team calling:


You cannot configure team calling in the Mac client, but you can set up a team-call group using the Windows version, which will function for your phone number regardless of which client you use on a regular basis. To do so:

  1. Log into IUanyWare.

    (For more, see About IUanyWare.)
  2. On the APPS tab, search for and launch Skype for Business.
  3. Continue by following the instructions below.


  1. At the bottom of the main app window, click the Call Forwarding icon ( The Call Forwarding icon ), and then click Call Forwarding Settings.
  2. Select the radio button next to Simultaneously Ring, and from the drop-down list, choose My Team-Call Group.
  3. In the "Call-Forwarding Team-Call Group" window that appears, click Add....
  4. In the "Add Contacts" window, click a contact, or Ctrl-click to select multiple contacts. Click OK.
  5. To set a delay before Skype for Business rings your team, click the drop-down list next to "Ring your team-call group after this many seconds:" and choose 0, 5, 10, or 15 seconds. Click OK.
  6. Next to "Unanswered calls will go to:", specify the number of seconds before unanswered calls are redirected to voice mail. To ensure calls ring your team as intended, this number should be at least 15 seconds greater than the number of seconds in the previous step. If you want, you can also have unanswered calls redirect to somewhere other than your voice mail.
  7. To modify when team calling occurs, click the option next to "These settings will apply:" and choose to enable team calling all the time or only during your work hours set in Outlook. Click OK.
  8. Click OK to complete the team-call setup.

After you've set up a call forwarding arrangement like team calling, you'll see a note like "Simultaneous ring is on" at the bottom of the app window.

Use team calling

When your team-call group receives a call, members of the team see an incoming call notification with "Call for [your name]" at the top. If another member of the team answers, the leader receives an email notification stating who answered the call.

To turn off team calling, click the Call Forwarding icon ( The Call Forwarding icon ) and choose Turn Off Call Forwarding.

This is document aznu in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-14 14:47:39.