Manage archive access on IU List

Indiana University will be transitioning to a single email domain,, between now and the end of 2025. For more about the transition, see One Mail. For details about the impact to IU List specifically, see Changes to IU List from the One Mail initiative. For general actions you may need to take, see Prepare for One Mail at IU.
Only list owners can perform the actions described below.

On IU List, list owners can choose whether or not a mailing list will have an archive, and who can access it.

  1. Log into the campus IU List website for your list:
    Campus IU List web interface
    IU Bloomington
    IU Indianapolis
    IU Columbus
    IU East
    IU Kokomo
    IU Northwest
    IU South Bend
    IU Southeast
  2. Select My lists, and choose the name of a list.

  3. In the left pane, under "List Home", select Admin.
  4. From the Edit List Config menu, select Archives.
  5. You can set any of the following options:
    • Under "Store distributed messages into archive", choose enabled or disabled to determine whether the archive is kept or not. (If you select disabled, IU List will stop archiving messages, but not delete or close previously enabled archives.)
    • To determine who can access the archives via the web interface, under "access right", choose the desired option. You can choose to make the archives public, closed, or available only to certain people.
    • To determine who can access the archives via email commands, under "access right by mail commands", choose the desired option. You can choose to make the archives public, closed, or available only to certain people.
    • If you want to discard messages after a certain period of time, under "Maximum number of month archived", enter the number of months for which you want to keep the messages.
    • Under "Archive encrypted mails as cleartext", you can choose original messages or decrypted messages.
    • Under "Protect web archive against spam harvesters", you can choose among various spam protection techniques, or select do nothing.
  6. When you've made your selections, at the bottom of the page, select Apply modifications.

This is document bbwa in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-19 15:25:57.