ARCHIVED: IUanyWare and Skype for Business

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Teams Calls provides office telephone service for faculty and staff at Indiana University.

At IU, Skype for Business 2016 is available to students, faculty, and staff using IUanyWare, as well as those using the Student and Residential Technology Centers at IUB and IUPUI.

Because Skype for Business monitors your availability online, as well as the availability of those with whom you might want to communicate, certain functionality is unavailable when running Skype for Business from IUanyWare; this is because Skype for Business is running on a server rather than your local device. Following are some common Skype for Business features that may not behave as expected through IUanyWare:

  • You can make and receive calls with Skype for Business though IUanyWare, but some people may encounter problems with this functionality. UITS does not recommend using Skype for Business via IUanyWare for video calls or sharing your desktop. Where possible, UITS recommends downloading the Skype for Business client to your device.
  • You cannot set your location.
  • Skype for Business does not sync the address book on initial logon. Sync update will randomly occur between 0 and 60 minutes after startup.
  • Skype for Business status shows you as Away unless you are actively using the Skype for Business application. (Skype for Business needs to be installed on your local device in order to monitor your keyboard activity.)
To ensure optimum performance, your IUanyWare profile is reset at the end of each academic year (between summer and fall); for details, see About the IUanyWare user profile reset.

For help, contact your campus Support Center.

You can also contact your departmental IT Pro.

This is document bcsx in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-07-12 14:16:18.