Attachment file types blocked in FireForm

When adding a FireForm element (see Build forms using FireForm) with the File Attachment data type, the administrator may designate the file types that will be allowable on a given form. However, FireForm itself does not permit all file types.

The following is a list of file types that FireForm does not permit:

.acc      .exe     .mau      .php3          .sys
.ace      .fxp     .mav      .pif           .theme
.ade      .gadget  .maw      .pl            .tmp
.adp      .grp     .mcf      .plg           .url
.ani      .hlp     .mda      .prf           .vb
.app      .hpj     .mdb      .prg           .vba
.asp      .hta     .mde      .printerexport .vbe
.aspx     .htc     .mdt      .ps1           .vbp
.asx      .htx     .mdw      .ps1xml        .vbs
.bas      .inf     .mdz      .ps2           .vdl
.bat      .ins     .mht      .ps2xml        .vhd
.cab      .iso     .mhtml    .psc1          .vhdx
.ccs      .isp     .msc      .psc2          .vsmacros
.cer      .its     .msh      .psd1          .vss
.chm      .jar     .msh1     .psdm1         .vst
.cla      .je      .msh1xml  .pst           .vsw
.class    .jnlp    .msh2     .py            .vxd
.cmd      .js      .msh2xml  .pyc           .website
.cnt      .jse     .mshxml   .pyo           .webpnp
.com      .ksh     .msi      .pyw           .ws
.cpl      .lnk     .msp      .pyz           .wsc
.crt      .mad     .mst      .pyzw          .wsf
.csh      .maf     .msu      .reg           .wsh
.der      .mag     .ocx      .sbs           .wst
.diagcab  .mam     .ops      .scf           .wsws
.dll      .maq     .osd      .scr           .xba
.dmg      .mar     .ovl      .sct           .xll
.docm     .mas     .pcd      .sh            .xml
.drv      .mat     .php      .shs           .xnk

If you have additional questions, need to report a bug, or would like to make enhancement requests for the FireForm system, submit a FireForm Support Request.

This is document bfjq in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-07-18 09:47:39.