Report a problem with Symphony WorkFlows

WorkFlows is an application used by library and library-affiliated employees to connect to SirsiDynix Symphony, IU's integrated library system.

Before reporting a problem with Symphony WorkFlows, confirm that:

If you have confirmed all of the above, if possible, check with other Symphony WorkFlows users to see if they are also experiencing issues. If they are, or if you are unsure/don't know whether they are, contact the Support Center, indicating there may be a system-wide issue with Symphony (the service WorkFlows is attempting to connect to).

If you can confirm that others using WorkFlows are not experiencing any issues, contact your local UITS support person for further assistance, as it is likely related to an issue specific to your instance of WorkFlows.

This is document bgui in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-04-15 16:13:42.