ARCHIVED: Computing accounts at IU

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About IU computing accounts

IU students, faculty, staff, and affiliates

Members of the Indiana University community, including IU students, faculty, staff, and affiliates, are eligible for IU Network IDs, with which they can create computing accounts and access IT services at IU.

Once your association with IU is finalized (i.e., you have been admitted as a student, you have accepted a faculty or staff position, or you have been accepted as an IU affiliate), you will be assigned a 10-digit University ID number, with which you can create your IU Network ID and computing accounts.

You might want to have additional computing accounts (e.g., for research systems or web page hosting). You can create these and other accounts through the Account Management Service.

People not affiliated with IU

If you are not officially associated with IU, you can still have limited access to IU computing resources. Guests, visitors, alumni, and special researchers are all eligible for select access.

Computing policies at IU

IU expects people to use their computing accounts in a responsible, legal, and ethical manner. Failure to do so can result in the suspension or revocation of accounts.

Passphrases and account security

To secure computing accounts, IU uses passphrases, which provide greater security than traditional passwords.

IU computing account storage size

All IU accounts have an allotment of disk space for storing email, web pages, and other data. Exceeding your storage space can cause problems accessing your accounts, and removing unneeded data is the best way to manage your space.

This is document maaa in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-09-22 16:58:32.