Access and share Zoom recordings in Kaltura

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Cloud recordings are deleted from Zoom after 30 days. UITS does not recommend sharing recordings directly from Zoom.

At Indiana University, when you make a cloud recording in Zoom, the recording is stored temporarily in Zoom and a copy is sent to your personal Kaltura account where you can control how long the recording is available and who can access it. For more about recording a meeting in Zoom, see Create and store recordings of Zoom meetings.

Source files from Kaltura may download with an incorrect file extension, and such files will not play on most computers. To fix this, rename your downloaded file by removing the existing extension and replacing it with .mp4. Downloading anything other than "source" will work around this problem.

Access your recording in Kaltura

  1. On the UITS Kaltura page, select Login.
  2. At the upper right, open the user menu (labeled with your name) and choose My Media.
  3. Locate the recording you wish to publish; if it is a recent recording, it should be at or near the top of your list of media.

    Your recording's default name will be the same as the topic of the meeting room in which the recording was made. Giving it a more descriptive name helps you to easily distinguish it from other recordings made in the same meeting room. To rename the item:

    1. To the right of your recording's thumbnail image, select Edit.
    2. In the "Name" field, enter a descriptive name. Consider including the date of the recording in the name.
    3. Enter a description and/or tags as desired.
    4. Select Save to save your changes.

Share your Zoom meeting recording in Kaltura

There are several ways to share meeting recordings in Kaltura. Choose the method that is most appropriate for your audience.

  • If your recording is of a class meeting for an official IU course, use option 1 or option 2 below to ensure FERPA compliance.
  • If your recording is available to the public and shared on a public-facing IU website, professional-quality captioning is required.
  • Option 1: To embed the recording in a page, assignment, or quiz in Canvas, see Use the Embed Kaltura Media tool in the Canvas Rich Content Editor.
  • Option 2: To add the recording to the Kaltura Media Gallery in your Canvas course, see Publish videos to the Media Gallery in bulk. The recording will only be available to members of the course(s) to which it was published.
  • Option 3: To share the recording with all or specific users at IU, see Work with channels in Kaltura MediaSpace.
  • Option 4: To share or embed the recording with anyone who has the link to the recording:
    Anyone with the link can share the link with other users, so this option is not secure
    1. On the UITS Kaltura page, select Login.
    2. At the upper right, open the user menu (labeled with your name) and choose My Media.
    3. Locate the recording you wish to publish and select its name.
    4. Open the Actions menu and select Publish.
    5. Select Unlisted and select Save.
    6. To get your recording's URL, select Share.
    7. Copy the URL to the clipboard and paste it into an email message, web page, or document shared with others.

This is document aoxi in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-14 11:24:36.