Create a restricted row-level user group in the IUIE

This information is for Data Managers using the IUIE.

To create a restricted row-level (RRL) user group in the IUIE:

  1. Under the Manage Access tab, select User Groups, and then select Add.
  2. Next to "Group Type", select Restricted Row Level User Group.
  3. In the "User Group Name" field, enter the technical name for the user group.

    Name the new user group following the standard naming convention of system (SIS, etc.), module (SR, FA, SF, etc.), and descriptive modifier (any text you choose), for example:


    If you have questions about creating a technical name for a user group, fill out the EDSD Support Form .

  4. In the "Label Name" field, enter a label for the user group. This is the name that will appear in the Collection Catalog, and it can be in any format.
  5. From the Group Campus drop-down list, select the appropriate campus.
  6. From the Subject Area drop-down list, select the appropriate subject area.
  7. In the "DM Approval" field, change the F to a T.
    The F stands for "False", which must be changed to T for "True" for the change to take place in the system. Publishers who are not Data Managers can make a request to create a user group, but once a request is made, the Data Manager who owns the Collection will have to change the field from F to T.
  8. In the "Oracle Role Req'd" field, enter a T.
  9. In the "Description" text box, enter a description of what this user group will secure.
  10. Select Save.
    Once approved, the new RRL user group will appear in the list of user groups that are accessible from the User Group link under the Manage Access tab. It will also be placed in the "Not Assigned to Folders" Collection folder (hidden from the public), and will not appear in a public Collection folder until it is assigned to one.

This is document apdm in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-18 10:19:23.