Manage user groups in the IUIE Collections Catalog

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This information is for Data Managers using the IUIE.

In the IUIE, when you display the Collections Catalog in Manage mode, you can modify how it is organized. To browse the Collections Catalog to see how reports are assigned, or to perform any of the following tasks, ignore the search filter functionality and select the folders in the list to expand contents and options.

You must be an administrator to change the folder structure at the system level, but you can modify the underlying Collection hierarchy and the user groups assigned as needed.

Create a user group

  1. On the Manage Access tab, select Collections.
  2. On the lower left side of the report object index, select the Manage tab.
  3. In the report object index, navigate to the folder in which you want to create a new user group. Select its icon to expand the options.
  4. Select Create User Group. The Add User Group page will display.
  5. Select the appropriate "Group Type".
  6. In the "User Group Name" field, enter the technical name for the user group.

    Name the new user group following the standard naming convention of system (SIS, etc.), module (SR, FA, SF, etc.), and descriptive modifier (any text you choose), for example:


    To submit questions about creating a technical name for a user group, fill out the EDSD Support Form .

  7. In the "Label Name" field, enter a label for the user group. This is the name that will appear in the Collections Catalog, and can be in any format.
  8. From the Group Campus drop-down list, select the appropriate campus.
  9. From the Subject Area drop-down list, select the appropriate subject area.
  10. In the "DM Approval" field, change the F to a T.
    The F stands for "False", which must be changed to T for "True" for the change to take place in the system. Publishers who are not Data Managers can make a request to create a user group, but once a request is made, the Data Manager who owns the Collection will have to change the F to T.
  11. In the "Oracle Role Req'd" field, enter a T.
  12. In the "Description" text box, enter a description of what this user group will secure.
  13. Select Save.

Edit a user group

  1. On the Manage Access tab, select Collections.
  2. On the lower left side of the report object index, select the Manage tab.
  3. In the report object index, navigate to the user group you want to edit. Select its icon to expand the options.
  4. Select Edit User Group. Editable details will appear on the right.
  5. Change the editable fields and options as needed.
    You will not be able to change the "Group Type" or "User Group Name" fields.
  6. Select Save.

Move a user group

  1. On the Manage Access tab, select Collections.
  2. On the lower left side of the report object index, select the Manage tab.
  3. In the report object index, navigate to the user group you want to move. Select its icon to expand the options.
  4. Select Move User Group. The Folder Assignment page will display.
  5. In the list on the right, select the target folder into which you would like to move the current user group.
  6. Select OK.

Assign a user group to an additional folder

  1. On the Manage Access tab, select Collections.
  2. On the lower left side of the report object index, select the Manage tab.
  3. In the report object index, navigate to the user group you want to assign to an additional folder. Select its icon to expand the options.
  4. Select Assign to additional Folder. The Folder Assignment page will display.
  5. In the list on the right, select the additional folder into which you would like to move the current user group.
  6. Select OK, and a copy of the user group will be placed into the selected folder.

Remove a user group from a folder

This option will remove a user group from a folder to which it is assigned, but it will not delete the user group completely. If the user group you choose to remove is not located in any other folder, it will be moved to the Unassigned Folder.
  1. On the Manage Accesstab, select Collections.
  2. On the lower left side of the report object index, select the Manage tab.
  3. In the report object index, navigate to the user group you want to remove. select its icon to expand the options.
  4. Select Remove from Folder.
  5. Select OK.

Delete a user group

This option will completely remove a user group from the Collection; use this option with caution. The IUIE will not allow the deletion to occur if users are assigned to the user group or if reports are secured by it. If you want to delete a user group, you must first remove all users from the group and unassign the group from any reports it may secure.
  1. On the Manage Access tab, select Collections.
  2. On the lower left side of the report object index, select the Manage tab.
  3. In the report object index, navigate to the user group you want to delete. Select its icon to expand the options.
  4. Select Delete User Group.
  5. Select Delete to delete the user group and remove it from the Collection.

This is document arjx in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-06 08:21:30.