ARCHIVED: About Microsoft Lync

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Microsoft has rebranded its unified communications client, Lync, as Skype for Business. As of January 22, 2017, if you're running Windows, you'll see the Skype for Business interface. Lync for Mac still works to access IU's UniCom service.

Both Lync for Mac and Skype for Business allow you to:

  • Chat using instant messaging
  • Make PC-to-PC phone calls
  • Make video calls
  • Share files
  • Share your desktop
  • See others' availability and manage the information others see about you
The features you can use depend on which mode you're using, UniCom Basic or UniCom Enterprise Voice; see ARCHIVED: IU UniCom feature comparison. Students are eligible for UniCom Basic only.

The capabilities of Lync are integrated with Microsoft Office applications. For more about the Windows and Mac versions, see below.

Before attempting to use either client with Indiana University's UniCom service, see ARCHIVED: Get started with UniCom/Skype for Business.

For an introduction to UniCom, including how-to PDFs and videos, see UniCom.

Additional resources are available at Learn how to use UniCom.


For a list of Lync for Mac features, see the Client Comparison Table. For additional support resources, see:

Indiana University students, faculty, and staff can download Lync for Mac from IUware.


IU faculty and staff can obtain Lync-compatible devices (USB devices or IP phones) by going through their department telecommunications coordinators and/or their IT Pros. For more about available devices, see About office telephone equipment at IU.

If you do not know who your telecommunications coordinator is, at IU Bloomington, call 812-856-2287, option 3; at IU Indianapolis, call 317-274-3004, option 3. You can also email Telecom and Network Services.

To learn the name of your department's local UITS support person, consult your supervisor, your departmental website, or IT People. If you still cannot identify your local UITS support person, call the UITS Support Center at 812-855-6789 (Bloomington) or 317-274-4357 (Indianapolis).

This is document awii in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-14 14:47:57.